Example sentences of "[adj] it [modal v] [be] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Yet by 1871 the tide had turned ; and in 1895 it could be said that ‘ the court will not allow a precatory trust to be raised unless … it comes to the conclusion that it was the intention of the testator to create a trust ’ .
2 From this it may be seen that the health of the motor industry is critical to the health of the British economy .
3 ‘ To this it may be objected that although it is necessary to tax in order to wage war , it is not necessary for the Executive to tax without a statute .
4 From this it may be judged that the Chauncys had been friends of the Blencowe family , and that a reference from Susanna Jennens carried weight with them .
5 To this it might be retorted that no-one linguistically advanced enough to look up a word in a dictionary could possibly require a definition of the word home .
6 To this it might be objected that one learns the meaning of ‘ blue ’ through seeing blue things and being told they are blue ; learning the meaning of the word is a matter of attaching a word to the look of something ; the look is basic .
7 To this it might be replied that it is not simply the case that the evaporation/solar-flares analogy is not sufficiently strong an analogy to justify our using the term ‘ afternoon ’ on the Sun ; it is no justification at all .
8 From this it will be gathered that Daisan Butai 's play is very much of the present day and the world we live in .
9 From this it will be seen that the most senior judges are Lords of Appeal in Ordinary ( or Law Lords ) who are members of the House of Lords and sit , in their judicial function , in the Appellate Committee of that House .
10 Thus From this it will be seen that the impedance between the lead and return at any point , including the input , along an infinite transmission line is the same , namely Z k .
11 From this it can be concluded that only 1.4 per cent of this large number of coins establishes the date of the deposit but in this case , since there are no later Roman coins found in Britain , it could be even later ; a salutary lesson for all excavators .
12 From this it can be seen that no one method is suitable for all learning/ teaching situations or for all individuals .
13 From this it can be seen that recruitment will be most effective if everyone is involved and understands the problem .
14 From this it can be seen that the rate of exchange must fall to make the US$ more expensive .
15 From this it can be inferred that monetary or economic activity ( defined as the intensity of coin use and hence loss ) was greater in rural than in urban centres in the last century of Roman rule in Britain .
16 From studying Figures 6.5 and 6.6 it will be seen that in hospital there are many potential danger points for contamination by direct contact , for example with infected articles or with hands which have been inadequately washed or not washed at all after dealing with contaminated discharges or materials .
17 Hence , p has all the values of a probability and in the situation where all investors are risk averse it can be shown that it is equal to the probability with which we started .
18 From Table 2 it can be seen that there a significant main effect for level of processing , but no significant main effect for type of response .
19 As such it can be seen that this is not a zero-based allocation system or a total formula-based system .
20 From Table 4.1 it can be seen that almost one-third of IT postgraduates would be unemployed and looking for work at the end of their course .
21 Since this area is one in which worker experience is paramount it could be argued that the trade unions would be in the best position to evaluate different options in work organisation , without deferring to " the experts " .
22 Indeed , stretches of the system had considerable success , and between 1814 and the 1840's it could be said that the Grand Union justified itself .
23 In looking at the first of these it must be recognized that no map , however detailed or carefully compiled , can perfectly represent the ‘ ground truth ’ , while in the second instance , the digitizing process merely serves to compound the errors present in the original map ( Poiker 1982 ; Blakemore 1984 ) .
24 Thus , whilst in 1953 Armed Forces support was invoked by the Party , in 1957 it might be said that it had been enlisted by a faction , albeit the First Secretary 's own .
25 From figure 12.10 it can be seen that V f is assumed to remain constant during expansion of the polymer in the glassy state but that above T g there is a steady increase with rising temperature .
26 For many it may be thought that what the market gives you is both fair and rightly yours .
27 To onlookers these men were seen in many cases as ‘ Nonconformist ministers ’ and of many it could be said that ‘ his prayer was like himself , rough and earnest ’ .
28 Even in 1981 it could be claimed that those who held a " strongly anti-progressive , pro-standards line had been enjoying increasing credibility and increasingly strident support from most of the popular press " ( Dale et al.
29 Seizures of cannabis and amphetamines were dropping as the hard drugs began to dominate the scene , but as far as amphetamines are concerned it must be remembered that the seizure figures relate only to illegal imports .
30 From Table I it can be seen that the patients with complications of their Barrett 's oesophagus are older ( albeit not statistically significant ) than patients without complications .
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