Example sentences of "[adj] to a [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances the tape is not real evidence but analogous to a documentary record of the interview .
2 The incident was similar to a bomb blast at the Free University of Brussels on Dec. 1 , 1989 , when a suitcase exploded in an auditorium ( injuring three students ) and two other bombs failed to detonate .
3 Indeed , some hospitals have begun to experiment with providing complete physical rest as central to a treatment programme for cardiac cases , which is then followed by instruction on relaxation techniques through which people may be more effective in controlling anxiety ( e.g. Charing Cross Hospital , London ) .
4 A child may come before a hearing on an offence referral and be made subject to a supervision requirement for a number of reasons , of which the offence may be only one ; the child may on review be kept subject to a supervision requirement , even though he may have committed no further offences , because of , say , inadequate parental care .
5 A situation can be envisaged where a child commits an offence at the age of eight and then offends no more , but is kept subject to a supervision requirement for a number of years for his ‘ care or protection ’ .
6 The AEC is primarily intended for young adults subject to a probation order with a special condition of attendance ( Schedule 11 4A(II) Criminal Justice Act 1982 ) and reflects the fact that most Somerset offenders in trouble through drink commit serious offences and/or possess a substantial number of previous convictions .
7 But that was not much consolation because that too is subject to a steam restriction for the same reason and diesel haulage was again in place .
8 It was not settled whether the indemnity be void under s 2(1) or only subject to a reasonableness test under s 4 .
9 Takeover offers are also regulated and affected by the SARs ; the Fair Trading Act 1973 ( references to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ) ; European Council Regulation ( EEC ) 4064/89 ( merger control ) ; the Company Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 ( which prohibits a person from dealing in securities which are listed or subject to a marketing arrangement at a time when he is in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information ) ; liability for negligent misstatement and for misrepresentation ( both at common law and under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 ) ; and Statements of Standard Accounting Practice 22 and 23 ( accounting for goodwill and for acquisitions and mergers ) .
10 A market purchase is one made on a recognised investment exchange ( which includes the London Stock Exchange and the USM ) , whereas an off-market purchase is one which is not made on a recognised investment exchange ( ie by private contract ) or is so made but the shares are not subject to a marketing arrangement on that exchange .
11 Such a child might be subject to a rehabilitation period of ten years — the same period as for an adult sentenced to from six months ' to thirty months ' imprisonment , the longest period covered by the Act .
12 The point , however , that the inquirer should bear in mind is that these exemptions and exceptions have been granted because the organisations concerned have demonstrated that either they are already regulated by other statutes or are subject to a reporting procedure through branch returns to a central body which itself reports to the Charity Commission .
13 In a later phase in the same litigation , the Court of Appeal held that it had jurisdiction in appropriate cases to order the transfer of assets subject to a Mareva injunction from one foreign country to another , enforcement considerations being especially relevant .
14 Aboriginal subsistence whaling was allowed to continue subject to a catch limit of 141 bowheads over the three years 1992-94 ( with a maximum annual strike of 54 ) for Alaskan Eskimos , 169 gray whales per year for 1992-94 for Soviet Eskimos , and for Greenlanders 21 fin whales in 1992 and 315 minke whales over 1992-94 ( maximum 115 per year ) off west Greenland and a maximum of 12 minke whales per year for 1992-94 off east Greenland .
15 Such balances are not normally transferable by cheque and may be subject to a time restriction on withdrawals .
16 This however is designed to make it clear that offer must not be made to those whose shares are subject to a restriction order under Part XV of the Act ; for the situation to which The Stock Exchange rule is directed , companies have to rely on the ‘ as nearly as practicable ’ in section 89 ( 1 ) , and Mutual Life Insurance of N. Y .
17 P&O Group Head Office and Central Services staff who have completed one years service at 1 April following the year to which the incentive relates and who are in company service on the payment date , will be eligible for a bonus subject to a set target of profitability having been achieved by the Group .
18 In fact , it was not possible to stop the intervention completely since Olwyn had come to look forward very much to a bedtime story from her father , and to getting stars .
19 If you were expecting to find a neck something akin to a telegraph pole with one side levelled off , you 'd be pleasantly surprised — this is an extremely comfortable and well-shaped laminate of mainly flamed maple .
20 Few things are as instantly heart-stopping to a computer user as the time when his machine starts to behave erratically .
22 One of the pre-exposed stimuli receives reinforcement as a separate phase of training prior to a test phase in which the other is presented .
23 This research provides the opportunity to explore the way in which the employment opportunities deriving from the tourist/visitor potential of areas peripheral to a core area of residential tourist development can be modelled .
24 How was it , he asked , that Labour was opposed to a poll tax in local government , but in favour of a poll tax ( the BBC licence fee ) in television ?
25 The chemical industry , however , is opposed to a carbon tax for several reasons .
26 She used to be a typist and is married to a car patrolman on shift work .
27 Interestingly , the 3' end of GGFBPP1 differs significantly from all others : C-terminal coding sequences and the 3' untranslated sequences are transcribed by reading beyond exon 4 to a polyadenylation site in the following intron sequence ( Fig. 1 c ) ; this transcript encodes a protein that is truncated after the immunoglobulin-like domain .
28 However , if such problems are secondary to a mood disturbance in one or other partner , considerable improvement may occur after the introduction of appropriate medication .
29 This caused the austral to deteriorate still further as dollars were purchased , trading in February at over $1.00=4,000 australs and falling on Feb. 25 to a record low of $1.00=5,600 australs .
30 A search of the PPT promoter DNA sequence for other cis acting elements potentially functioning as regulators of expression revealed a region highly homologous to a region present in the rat type II Na channel promoter ( 8 ) ( Fig. 1 ) .
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