Example sentences of "[adj] to [art] [adj] [noun pl] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 He sat at his desk , huddled in his great cloak , oblivious to the cold draughts which came under the door or through the cracks in the wooden shutters on the window .
2 This practice of stitching together the two kinds of reduction into a single statement , which combines sweeping generalization with particularistic reference , is central to the discursive strategies which the Burnage Report criticized as ‘ moral , symbolic and doctrinaire ’ antiracism .
3 He can retake the goods not only from B , the original tortfeasor , but even from a third person subject to the apparent exceptions which arise where that third person has acquired a good title even against A. Such exceptions are only apparent because A , having lost his right to the property , has got nothing which he can retake .
4 It operates in the VHF band on frequencies between 108 and 118 MHZ and is therefore not subject to the many errors which plague ADF ( Radio Compass ) on medium frequencies .
5 but you 're saying in , in , in short , are you , that erm , that in the present instance erm the obligation was put on the United Kingdom government which has sort , it may have succeeded or not as the case maybe , discharge the obligation by in effect erm subject to the subsidiary provisions which you 've both make reference and leaving it to er regulate these matters
6 But most cancers failed to respond at all to the largest doses which were tolerated by healthy tissues .
7 On March 3 King Hassan announced that at some time prior to the legislative elections which were scheduled for Oct. 9 , 1992 , constitutional changes to establish a better balance between legislative and executive bodies would be put to a referendum .
8 Surprisingly , in the last decades is that literary studies , perhaps especially classical studies , which may seem to be at the other extreme of the academic spectrum from the sciences , have shown themselves more self confident in the use of computers than history has done , even though history is closer to the social sciences which have for long been acclimatized to quantification and computerization .
9 Very few Spanish rugs come onto the market due to the limited numbers which are produced ; they are usually made specifically to contract .
10 More than half of this came from city organisations , largely due to the good connections which members of the appeal committee had with such institutions .
11 These picture faults are due to the technical compromises which are built into video and television systems .
12 Study 4 was an attempt to see whether the effects observed in Studies 2 and 3 were specific to the particular stimuli which were used or whether they can also be observed with a wider range of stimuli and a larger number of responses contributing to the ROC curves to improve the reliability of the recognition measures .
13 When these anxieties are ministered to by the products of the instant government under which we now with remarkable acquiescence subsist and are abetted by draftsmanship of the esoteric kind sometimes adopted by our professional brothers south of the border , we may expect to be confronted by problems of dimensions quite disparate to the simple issues which are essentially involved .
14 The full results of the survey , which was carried out by Inform Corporation , are only being made available to the 587 firms which took part .
15 In regard to smells resulting from the transportation of manure it seems to me that , irrespective of the methods employed , the necessary journeys would occur so infrequently as not to be unduly detrimental to the residential amenities which nearby residents in this rural community could reasonably be expected to enjoy . ’
16 In the eighteenth century it had still been possible for Turks to feel that the empire , inherently superior to the infidel states which threatened it , had no need to stoop to such devices ; but such an attitude was now no longer practicable .
17 Census of Production figures are not disagreeable to the spatial levels which are possible for those from the Censuses of Population and Employment .
18 More topically Smith drives home the absurdity of the present British water industry installing meters in households and then setting up a huge bureaucracy to monitor them and gather payment — a move that will make water much more expensive ( and thus more attractive to the private companies which will eventually provide it ) .
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