Example sentences of "[adj] have [verb] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has become especially the case in the ‘ new ’ congress of the 1980s , where congressmen and senators have become even more individualistic and less amenable to control than before .
2 If all had gone well the husband would have earned very large sums for a long period so that he could have maintained them at least at their standard of living at the time of his death , and made other provisions for the future .
3 I was gone for about three hours : scrambling through hedges ; rummaging in undergrowth ; wrestling with tangled nets ; and throwing into a box the indignant ferrets , who after all had done all the work and only wanted to wring the rabbits ' necks .
4 Nearly all have adopted either the air quality management strategy or the emission standards strategy , or a combination of both ( Martin , 1975 ; Campbell and Heath , 1977 ; Murley , 1991 ; UN ECE , 1987 ) .
5 The recent launch of Illustrator 88 has increased both the product 's ease of use and substantially enhanced its performance .
6 He is unlikely to have supervised personally the drawing up of every document — he had staff for that — but he did have the duty of dating the solemn privileges which were issued .
7 ERIC CANTONA may be the key to the title , but somebody still has to turn it — and United have found just the man .
8 Of course there is no reason why the takeover of a football club should arouse greater interest than controversial manoeuvres in any other area of commerical life but this ignores the status Manchester United have acquired so the negotiations were bound to provoke serious misgivings .
9 Paperbacks in general had pushed aside the hardback , except for the specialized and coffee table markets .
10 She is very proud of being the first person ever to sit on her ; Pauline broke the pony and the two have done all the training since , with professional help in the later stages from instructor Mal Kendall .
11 The president of Edison , New Jersey-based Verbex Voice Systems Inc has skedaddled so the board has picked chief operating officer Larry Dooling , former USL chief , to replace him .
12 Throughout history , both have involved either the manipulation and/or the destruction of the world 's forests .
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