Example sentences of "[adj] be going [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I wanted to make a point on the disciplinary side , which is as senior proctor the side of things I find myself thinking most about , and this is going back to the question of policing and whether it 's appropriate to talk in those terms .
2 This is going down on the table .
3 And you get silences on the phone and you 're thinking this is going down like a lead balloon .
4 This was going on for a couple of days , so I was getting worried and I took him to the prison doctor and he says , ‘ It might be with you breastfeeding , try him on the bottle . ’
5 Does it mean that something mysterious , even mystical was going on inside the computer ?
6 Oh of course do n't forget yester yesterday erm they allow so many in so you 'd all be going in at the same time
7 The obvious temptation is to dismiss yesterday 's events as an old fashioned share ramp , but there is a niggling feeling that something more substantial is going on behind the scenes .
8 Nell McCafferty , the Derry-born writer and civil rights activist , poignantly remembered family prayers from the 1950s : ‘ God send John a job ; God send Jackie and Rosaleen a house ; Holy Mother of God look down on Peggy in America and Leo in England ; Jesus and His Blessed Mother protect Mary that 's going out with a sailor . '
9 To omit this background is rather like accusing the RAF of bombing innocent women and children in Berlin without mentioning that world war two was going on at the time .
10 The task of the Prime Minister was unremitting , for he was on duty every minute of the day and night and must know all that was going on in the Government .
11 Good companies as well as bad were going under as a result of falling markets and bad debts , said BCC policy director Richard Brown .
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