Example sentences of "[adj] be that the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 You might then wonder what the cutting of the hair had to do with it — well , one of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they cluster within individuals and sometimes within an individual 's family , and the reasons for that are that the immune responses that we have we inherit with our genes .
2 What is absolutely clear is that the three prisoners have themselves vehemently protested their innocence from day one .
3 What is clear is that the military origins of nuclear power in this country gave it a powerful boost as an infant technology , and that the umbilical cord has not been severed .
4 The snag with this is that the suppressed feelings are still experienced internally rather than avoided or prevented .
5 One of the major problems with this is that the private benefits accruing to households or families who take up either family planning or conservation measures are often not clear — either as perceived to exist by households themselves or even as calculated by economic models .
6 One explanation for this is that the two bodies constituting Pluto were originally moons of Neptune , but that something tore them from the giant planet 's grasp — the converse of what is thought to have happened to Triton !
7 The reason for this is that the outflowing rivers provide the sand that makes them good beaches .
8 One reason for this is that the underlying causes for the West 's concern over the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and for Washington 's original involvement have little to do with the security system it now wishes to see created .
9 And the point of this is that the infallible beliefs are intended , within the programme of classical foundationalism , to act as those by appeal to which all others are to be justified .
10 An implication of this is that the resulting forms of work organisation , and hence the type of technology developed , reflects the compromises management have had to negotiate with workers .
11 What is interesting is that the actual deficits of 1971 and 1972 turned out to be over twice the planned deficits for those years and the actual deficit of 1975 three times the projected deficit for that year .
12 The reason for this was that the fallen leaves blocked our sluice and had to be removed manually with a hay rake at least three times a day and often at night as well .
13 One of the things that was popular was that the smaller things like rabbit clubs when people could then get food for them officially if they did that .
14 What I thought was interesting was that the vital points at the end of the day were supplied by some of the unheralded members of the team .
15 The second is that the statutory services do not have the monopoly of altruism or the monopoly of occupying the high moral ground , and I think that those of you who saw the presentation given yesterday afternoon by Mike O'Reilly on the work that 's being done at Knowesouth , the private home he and his wife run , would have to concede that that was an excellent example of the kind of not only interesting , but the kind of pushing forward the boundaries of what can be done in different kinds of settings for people with dementia .
16 What is striking about these is that the code-switch points coincide exactly with the beginning and end of the insertion sequences , off-setting these clearly as London English in an otherwise Creole turn of the conversation .
17 What is important is that the three aspects of technology , design and publishing conventionally are addressed by different faculties in educational institutions .
18 The first is that the five senses do not and can not give us ‘ unvarnished news ’ — information independent of the concepts used to classify it .
19 The first is that the conservation policies themselves still have many of the assumptions of the colonial model .
20 Our they 'll want to forget that the Tories programme and policies , they lied about taxes they promised not to extend V A T they lied about protecting the value of pensions well I hope the people who get the eight four P and the one twenty , the one 's that the old dears will remember that because that 's what they will be getting .
21 The first was that the informal wages policy arranged by Bevin had been successful in stemming wartime inflation , and it was assumed this could be continued in peacetime .
22 What makes it manageable is that the carbon-based compounds of which living things are made mainly belong to one of four classes : carbohydrates , fats , proteins , and nucleic acids .
23 What in effect happened after 1880 was that the biological approaches of those such as Darwin and Spencer were transformed by Fabians and New Liberals .
24 Yeah that 's that the nursing ones were good .
25 The only change since 1974 is that the metropolitan counties and the GLC were abolished in 1986 , so that their functions have largely been distributed between their component districts and boroughs or transferred to newly created joint boards . )
26 What is certain is that the Egyptian goldsmiths had developed their skills to the point at which they were able to mount amethyst , lapis lazuli and turquoise in the gold bracelets buried with King Zer of the first dynasty in his tomb at Abydos .
27 What is certain is that the ancient Celts practised the art , and had an expressive name for the fiery liquid the produced … uisge beatha … the water of life .
28 What is certain is that the two parts of the community continued to the time of Lanfranc 's death and beyond to face each other with unconcealed hostility .
29 One is that they are a dumping site for iron ; another is that the magnetic material is involved in the growth and repair of bones ; and the third is that the magnetic deposits are concerned with detecting magnetic fields as an aid to navigation .
30 The reason it thinks your 486SX is a 386 is that the two processors do share many common features , it just that one is a lot more powerful than the other .
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