Example sentences of "[adj] be [adv] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Should there be specialist social workers in area teams with responsibility for developing dementia teamwork , or would this be more properly the function of the specialist social worker for the elderly ? iii Would the care of dementia sufferers as well as that of other groups be enhanced is care of the elderly was integrated at local level , uniting the functions of the geriatric and psychiatric services , or uniting both with social services for the elderly ? vi Alternatively would it be better to pursue the Griffiths proposal of Community care as an integrated organisation for the planning and delivery of care to a variety of disabled groups ?
2 It is well established that any Palestinian delegates must be acceptable to all parties : if this were not already the case , the Palestinian delegation would be made up of PLO members .
3 If this were not so a plaintiff could , by seeking mandamus , evade the restrictive rule that an action in tort for an injunction to restrain breach of statutory duty will lie only if the duty is owed to the plaintiff individually because , as we have seen , the applicant for mandamus only needs to have a ‘ sufficient interest ’ in the performance of the duty .
4 If this were not so the risk of doing something new would not be justified .
5 … I think that this being very much a teaching hospital area … the GP becomes a second or third rate citizen .
6 This is normally either the pilot or the instructor .
7 The deputy mayor said confidently , ‘ While I am absolutely certain that he will be found , if he is not found , this will be setting a precedent ’ ; since the mayoral office was instituted this is normally only a formality , with the mayor-elect waiting downstairs to be ‘ found ’ .
8 This is normally only an issue in purchase advisory work .
9 This is even more the case since the Anglo-Irish accord of November 1985 which clearly represents the British government 's view that ‘ solutions ’ to the Northern Ireland problem require the active involvement of the Dublin government .
10 This is even more the case in the aristocratic sports of hunting , shooting and fishing where the ‘ professionals , are literally servants — hunt-servants , stalkers , gillies .
11 This is even more the case with students of ‘ the urban ’ , where there is de facto endorsement of political economy through the breakdown of disciplinary boundaries .
12 This is even more the case when , as often in literary discourse , author and reader are considerably separated by space and time .
13 Perhaps the social science historian needs more contextual information because the passage of time may make it more difficult to make assumptions about what data signify , but this is surely only a question of degree .
14 And of course this is rather like the distinction made by William Goulding in Free Fall .
15 Under English law this is not straightforwardly a requirement , since one of the cornerstones of the law relating to inheritance is the principle testamentary freedom — the right of each individual to dispose of their assets as they wish .
16 ‘ . But this is not invariably the case ; Robarchek , for example , sees a push for individual autonomy among the Semai and Overing similarly stresses the value of autonomy among the Piaroa .
17 There is some evidence that parents of low intelligence tend to produce children of low intelligence but this is not invariably the case and , where it is , it is just as likely to be as a result of environmental deprivation as of heredity .
18 Yet , as we shall see in Chapter 2 , this is not invariably the case .
19 On the coast of Maine , Colton ( 1916 ) found a colony of herring gulls , Larus argentatus , predating the local dog-whelks very heavily , but this is not normally the case .
20 This is not primarily a find-raiser at all , but is , rather , the hospitality we like to give visitors and helpers , especially those from other churches .
21 This is not simply a problem which affects writers and journalists , but more importantly it plagues the lives of people in those regions , and those in government who try to plan for the future .
22 When we consider the dominance of collectivism as an explanation of what makes Japanese experience unique , we do need to emphasize that this is not simply a characteristic of Western or American writing , but many Japanese social scientists have echoed this explanation in their attempts to identify the sources of consensus in Japanese society .
23 This is not simply a question of looking at the differences in income , wealth , or educational opportunities between men and women or between different ethnic groups .
24 This is not simply a question on the decision in R .
25 This is not simply a case of watching the vitamins and minerals .
26 Mr Mandelson was quoted in the article as saying : ‘ This is not simply a career move .
27 This is not simply a matter of those aspects of women 's sexual lives that are so often cited in evidence as disqualifying women from running the affairs of nations , or even from running a small business : menstruation and premenstrual tension ; conception , pregnancy and childbirth ; lactation and child-care .
28 The overwhelming body of evidence for Britain and the United States is that such ties are maintained after marriage and that this is not simply a matter of recognizing connections at Christmas and birthdays plus occasional visits or telephone conversations .
29 This is not simply a matter of learning through one 's own mistakes .
30 This is not simply a matter of economic growth , although that has become increasingly important and perhaps dominant , but of a more general development of a distinctive culture and way of life which would allow the society to take its ‘ rightful ’ place as an autonomous , self-determining unit among the other nations of the world .
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