Example sentences of "[adj] be [verb] [prep] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes they demonstrably were not ; for example , portraits of the Emperor Augustus struck at the end of his reign , when he was seventy-six , do not depict a man of that age and do not correspond with the unflattering description given by his biographer , Suetonius. portraits such as this are intended to be the embodiment of a political ideal rather than a realistic likeness ( though in some cases , such as that of Nero , they might be both ) .
2 From the outset , despite the talk of ‘ equality ’ with Germany , the French were determined to be the prominent power in EDC .
3 But this is seen to be the reason why forces or energies are transferred or transmitted across what has continually been regarded by so many scientists as ‘ empty space ’ .
4 The consequence of all this is bound to be the persisting low status of this work .
5 This is believed to be the first time that a court of law in any country has declared that scientific evidence establishes cause and effect between exposure to smoke and certain diseases .
6 This is believed to be the lowest price that its owner Trafalgar House will accept in order to dispose of it .
7 This is believed to be the first time that an attempt has been made to compile a complete statistical record of Soviet economic development assistance to the less developed countries since it started on a formal basis in 1954 ; by 1983 such assistance had gone to a total of 57 countries .
8 This is believed to be the first time that timber banned under CITES has been the target of Customs operations in Europe .
9 This is believed to be the first time that such a report has been made from Scotland through the Scottish Office to Europe under the EC nitrates directive and Mr Buchan , vice chairman of the River Board said there were far reaching implications .
10 This is reckoned to be the largest exercise of its type since the reforms were put forward , blood pressure started to rise , nostrils began to flare and so on .
11 The closer alliance between the two houses ( E. Peel will retain its Spanish board of directors and its current staff ) would result in Spanish works of art consigned to Sotheby 's in other parts of the world being returned to Spain for sale if this is felt to be the best venue .
12 This is said to be the first house built in the village .
13 This is said to be the ‘ age of travel ’ .
14 Are you aware that the array of funerals , commonly made by undertakers , is strictly the heraldic array of a baronial funeral , the two men who stand at the doors being supposed to be the two porters of the castle , with their staves , in black ; the man who heads the procession , wearing a scarf , being a representative of a herald-at-arms ; the man who carries a plume of feathers on his head being an esquire , who bears the shield and casque , with its plume of feathers ; the pall-bearers , with batons , being representatives of knights-companions-at-arms ; the men walking with wands being supposed to represent gentlemen-ushers , with their wands : are you aware that this is said to be the origin and type of the common array usually provided by those who undertake to perform funerals ?
15 Quicklime slaked in urine and laid on the wood while hot , will also stain it a red colour ; and this is said to be the general practice with Windsor chair manufacturers in the neighbourhood of London ’ .
16 This is reputed to be the funniest burlesque of music-hall there has been , and , with its stage within a stage , it ran in one form or another for thirty years .
17 And this is reputed to be the mightiest in Britain .
18 This is expected to be the first of many similar cases to come to light as local councils draw up registers of contaminated land under the Environmental Protection Act .
19 This is going to be the last party for quite a bit . ’
20 This is going to be the greatest film ever made in America . ’
21 This is going to be the happiest Christmas of my life ! ’
22 This is going to be the greatest team ever seen in the White House , ’ she predicts .
23 And Arsenal manager George Graham last night warned his men not to be taken in by Leeds ' run of seven games without a win , saying : ‘ This is going to be the most open Championship race for years and I 'm taking no notice of people who are writing off Leeds .
24 this is erm , this is going to be exhibited here on the twenty third of July , ok , erm , two , two of Gaugin 's pictures , this is one of them , and several other artists er of the same period , and I think this is going to be the only venue in , in England , I do n't think there coming , sort of worth seeing , but unfortunately I shall miss it cos I 'm , I wo n't be here , erm this is a poster of
25 Erm and this is going to be the area of horse trading I think .
26 This is going to be the sensation of the school tomorrow .
27 Colleagues , for the benefit of first-time delegates this is going to be the running order of business for the week the final agenda , this includes the rule amendment motions the general motions the standing orders committee guideline for congress business and the standing orders committee first report which we will come to later this mor this morning .
28 This is going to be the same thing , only it will be set in the future .
29 And er , I did er , er invite members , all members yesterday , and I do have a feed-back here , again , that they do write to lobby on behalf of us , because I , if this is going to be the patent for the future , it 's gon na have very serious implications as to what we do in terms of improving the highway infrastructure at Lincolnshire .
30 David Coulthard says that after fifteen laps in an enclosed cockpit compared to an open single seater he realise just how tough it 's going to be … it 's going to be hot … deyhrdation is a problem along with getting sleepy in the night … physically he says this is going to be the hardest race of his life … but he loves the challenge …
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