Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] an [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 External regulation , at least in a form that applies to all citizens equally , is legitimate , but state intervention beyond that constitutes an illicit curtailment of individual freedom .
2 Of course , that looks an impractical kind of position to us in the United States , but what 's always puzzled me is how you English do n't seem to share the view of the French .
3 If a dove meets a dove , neither will fight ; but we might suppose that they settle the contest amicably in such a way that each has an equal chance of winning .
4 The curtains at either end of the bed each has an embroidered design of a cherubic figure holding a golden trumpet ; each of these can fire off one Wind Blast spell per round .
5 that has an actual cost of .3 and an estimated cost of .2 .
6 By any reckoning , this represents an impressive decade of military adventure and achievement for a country recovering from war and famine and for a government which ‘ needed peace ’ .
7 This represents an inappropriate use of land which might otherwise grow needed crops and so save imports , particularly animal feedstuffs , forest products , chemical feedstuffs and fuels .
8 This represents an acceptable level of compatibility .
9 This represents an actuarial surplus of £96.1 million which , following actuarial recommendations , has permitted the company to suspend contributions for the foreseeable future .
10 Yet , by Party-State criteria , this represents an intelligent use of scarce resources ( as does use of the merchant , fishing and oceanographic fleets to furnish 70 per cent of the Navy 's supplies at sea ) .
11 Fundamentally , it is the differences in composition that are responsible for all the variations between the extremes , and this produces an interesting chain of cause and effect which can be summed up like this :
12 Well because the labour in say this country is over productive , this has an awful lot of categories attached to each unit of labour , that 's why labour is very productive , is that you for each unit of labour employed there might be ten units of capital , I E there are chemicals etcetera , the reason why erm this this pressure on the land in say Africa , Africa , even though the density of population was much less and that there 's virtually no capital there , right , so in order to produce the food , you know the labour has to till the soil by hand and spread the seed by hand
13 This highlights an important implication of establishing the SEM although there might be net gains to be reaped this does not mean that all participants in the process experience benefits .
14 Figure 20.2 shows an experimental check of eqn ( 20.1 ) .
15 This forms an integral part of the TESSA leaflet .
16 All this requires an enormous amount of work from both parties to the partnership , and that work represents the investment from which dividends may be expected .
17 Now what we do erm and this takes an awful lot of workload from the sales consultant .
18 This creates an excess supply of money at the interest rate Oi l .
19 If this seems an abstruse form of cultivation it is not one that is limited to modern agriculture , but can be found in many suburban gardens where , acre for acre , the concentrations of both fertilizer and pesticide are higher than on the average arable farm .
20 This seems an odd way of going about things , but the advising panels do carry a professional adviser so that talent is not merely being judged by local civil servants .
21 This seems an odd reversal of the usual rule that Arctic animals are whiter , but otherwise they behaved as fulmar do in Shetland , appearing to spend much of their time flying and gliding over the sea .
22 This seems an appropriate ordering of priorities .
23 This seems an apt description of the defensive strategies associated with a racism of relative affluence caught at a particular moment of its crystallization .
24 The Sutcliffe Studio prides itself on its broadcast quality camera work and this presents an attractive film of this part of Wales .
25 Table 2 presents an alternative analysis of the population by considering the total number of audits involved .
26 This means an extraordinary reanimation of the processes of growth .
27 This gives an overall depth of 81/2in ( 21.5cm ) .
28 This gives an annual fall of 37 per cent for non-housing work and 38 per cent for housing in this sector .
29 This gives an annual range of only 8.8°C , one of the lowest ranges in Britain .
30 Clause 7 of Precedent 2 provides an extensive example of such an indemnity .
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