Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] that [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This implies that in the absence of specific constraints subjects are free to attend to different aspects of the stimulus .
2 This means that on the surface the transactions may appear complementary but below the surface the rules of the particular game provide a hidden agenda ( see page 85 ) .
3 Since a request for a new tenancy must specify a commencement date for the new tenancy not more than twelve months after the service of the notice , this means that at the date when the tenant must serve the break notice he is not in a position to serve a request for a new tenancy .
4 This means that at the moment it is being used closest to the hook , where presentation and visibility are vital factors and , because it is so different to nylon , many users have problems knotting it .
5 Given that almost three-quarters of lone mothers are on income support this means that for the majority income will not change , regardless of how much maintenance is collected .
6 This means that for the boom to continue it would be necessary to undertake capacity increasing investment , that is , increase the stock of fixed capital .
7 This means that through the raising and spending of taxes , locally and nationally , we provide a fairer and more just society .
8 This means that as the load current I L increases , say , the current through the shunt is reduced , to adjust the voltage drop across a series resistor R , and maintain the output constant .
9 Allowing for the various lag effects , this means that by the year 2030 sea level may be 20 to 100 cm higher than at present .
10 This means that in the event of your death under the age of 65 , the outstanding balance on your CheckOver is repaid up to a maximum of £3,000 or your agreed limit whichever is the lower .
11 This means that in the presentation so far it has been implied that the placing of stress is independent of and prior to the choice of intonation .
12 This means that in the case of fish some of the blood must make two or three trips around the lung circuit , and some carbon-dioxide-bearing blood makes several trips round the body before returning to the heart .
13 This means that in the case of a community service order , the court which revokes the order must sentence the offender to a sentence which would have been available on the occasion when the community service order was made , and if it is considering whether the offender qualifies for a custodial sentence for the purposes of Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) , must consider his history and attitude on the day when the original order was made .
14 This means that in the case of an accident , radioactivity would escape directly into the atmosphere .
15 This means that in the wind conditions as in fig 30 , you will have little to no time on the inbound track .
16 Table 5.2 shows that over the period 1971 to 1988 the number employing 1,000 or more workers fell by more than half to leave less than 500 such factories in the whole country .
17 Table 4 demonstrates that in the period covered there was some income redistribution , but mainly towards middle income groups rather than those on the lowest levels .
18 The Costs of Leases Act 1958 provides that in the absence of agreement in writing to the contrary , each party to a lease bears its own solicitor 's costs , and this should be the position .
19 Figure 9.1 shows that on the basis of their orbits they can be divided into three groups .
20 Section 1 provides that on the death of any person ( after the commencement of that Act ) all causes of action subsisting against or vested in him survive against or , as the case may be , for the benefit of , his estate .
21 Now that means that at the peak , the Communist Party has a working class membership of something like thirty thousand plus , which is one in every hundred industrial workers in China at this time .
22 Figure 15–3 shows that at the equilibrium point E the marginal utility of the last film equals its marginal cost .
23 That presupposes that at the date of the accounts all the relevant liabilities are known .
24 Figure 7.2 shows that as the age of the pupil increases , so the proportion of women teachers decreases .
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