Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] a new [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In replication , the two strands separate ; then each re-forms a new copy of its original partner .
2 This represents a new departure in both the study of public transport operators and the derivation and application of concepts relevant to organisation studies .
3 This represents a new area for Johnson Matthey .
4 This adds a new dimension to Tamburlaine 's character which people did n't appreciate , and emphasises the fact that he is a man of many talents .
5 For example , if reform of the offender or reparation are aims to be pursued in a particular case , this introduces a new element of complexity into the reviewing role of the Court of Appeal .
6 This introduces a new avenue of analysis into Marxist writings ; it opens the possibility of recognising that social and political systems may not operate solely on the basis of objective laws but may have a degree of freedom driven by the individual , group and elite perceptions .
7 This throws a new light on the advice about spicing up your sex life by wearing an especially attractive dress or dining by candlelight .
8 This entails a new conception of ‘ micro-political ’ activity .
9 This presents a new set of statistics relating to land use change , based on the first full year 's data ( 1985 ) of a three-year trial project .
10 All this gives a new palette of sounds and colours which can be exploited to give vivid and poetic new sensations .
11 This puts a new burden on the credit user:the need to decide not to use a form of credit , or stop using it , instead of the need to decide to use it .
12 This particular Committee 's finding will have a profound effect on the construction industry , and this heralds a new era for flat roofing .
13 Fujitsu Ltd has a new version of MicroCadam running on its SuperSparc Fujitsu S family machines which it buys OEM from Sun Microsystems Inc .
14 Hitachi Ltd has a new tool for use in building diagnostic and consulting expert systems : called ES-Pormote2/W-DIAG , it is designed to enable the input of knowledge in a tree structure , and it has been available from the beginning of the month at $6,000 ; it runs on the Hitachi 3050 series of Unix workstations and can be used to generate a source code program for Hitachi 's ES/Kernel series of general purpose expert system development tools ; ES-Promote runs under Hitachi 's implementation of Motif and the X Window system .
15 Para Handy raises a new head of steam Nan Spowart reports on the re-creation of a West coast legend .
16 The comments come as American negotiates a new contract with the union representing its 21,600 flight attendants .
17 Sun will claim the Sparcserver 1000 sets a new standard for configured system cost comparing one of its fully configured 4-ways at $76,500 to an HP H50 at $105,475 , an IBM Corp 580 at $107,522 and a DEC 4000/620 AXP at $151,544 .
18 Sun will claim the Sparcserver 1000 sets a new standard for configured systems , comparing one of its fully configured four-ways at $76,500 to an HP H50 at $105,475 , an IBM Corp 580 at $107,522 and a DEC 4000/620 AXP at $151,544 .
19 Building on the trackbed precludes a new service from serving the whole of the former route .
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