Example sentences of "[adj] [was/were] [vb pp] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was separated from the other digits , giving their owners the ability to grasp and manipulate objects .
2 This was distanced from the earlier stress on Old Testament religious morality by its rationalism ; as in the story 's metaphor of electricity , wondrous yet calculable , which demonstrated the inexorable consequences of wrong-doing-disease , death and social degeneracy .
3 An essential first step was to create a bedroom and this was formed from the larger part of the former WC block .
4 The thunder with which this was greeted from the senior judiciary — every one a former barrister — forced the Lord Chancellor to produce his fudge : separate systems of accreditation with four senior judges given a veto over solicitors ' rights .
5 A further six were excluded from the audiometric analysis because of unreliable preoperative audiometric data , leaving 118 in the adenoidectomy group and 73 in the other .
6 A similar sample of 100 was taken from the 216 clients who received counselling from the local Drugs Council .
7 A random sample of 100 was taken from the 308 patients who had been referred to the local Detoxification Unit during the same 12 months of the first prevalence study period .
8 ‘ The Catholic Church … was unique among the larger religious bodies by the fact that so many of the most devout were drawn from the working-class and even from the poor . ’
9 For 1969–83 registrations at age 15–24 were obtained from the Northern Region Cancer Registry and ( for 1969–73 in what is now South Cumbria ) the North Western Regional Cancer Registry ; in general , no further effort was made to ascertain cases .
10 Regulation curves for three typical output voltage levels are shown in Fig. 12 ; these were taken from the final prototype .
11 The aggregate membership of 704,350 was 8 per cent of the population , but few of these were recruited from the poorest and most vulnerable class of rural labourers .
12 The assumption is that , in evolution , digits 1 and 5 were lost from the primitive five-fingered limb .
13 Competition with the same binding sites in F9 EC cell extracts is shown in tracks 2 and 3 ; tracks 1 to 5 were taken from the same experiment .
14 The original twenty-four cars 69–92 were bought from the United Electric Car Company of Preston between 1911 and 1914 , but in 1927 Blackpool itself built a further six smaller racks , using its Standard car frame .
15 The binary tree in figure 3.2 was constructed from the resulting list : do , dogged , catch , dog , cots , cat , cot , doggy .
16 Subjects in whom only before or after treatment values were available were excluded from the main analysis .
17 A Board of Trade requirement that the engine would always operate chimney first was disobeyed from the early days .
18 The Middleton Open was transferred from the iced solid Erewash Canal at Ilkeston to the warm water-boosted Beeston Canal , where all 13 competitors had fish .
19 The human colinic adenocarcinoma cell line HT-29 was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection ( ATCC , USA ) .
20 The separation of spheres was much more rigid for middle class women than for working class women , for although both were excluded from the public sector in terms of political citizenship and legal rights , working class women did engage in paid employment and there was a certain ambivalence on the part of politicians and policy makers as to their behaviour in this respect .
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