Example sentences of "[adj] [was/were] [vb pp] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Exceptions to this were found in the older family where the wife had always been active and continued to work into her 70's , and where a specialised product like cheese was being produced for farm gate sales .
2 Very few were included in the initial lists of historic buildings and as a result a very large number have been demolished .
3 Measurements of remanent magnetism in a variety of volcanic rocks found on the continents had shown that some were magnetized in the opposite direction to the Earth 's present magnetic field .
4 Construction of this was begun in the first half of the sixteenth century by the Donatory Captain Simão Gonçalves da Câmara .
5 It laid down the general principle of comprehensive education which would have ended selection over a period ( but this was repealed in the 1979 Act ) .
6 This was built in the 1550s for the Dryden family , but some of the banks and ditches still remain in the fields opposite the Hall .
7 A large part of this was destroyed in the 1990 gales , but fortunately we had underplanted wherever possible and the magnolias which are such a feature of the garden survived remarkably well .
8 The late nineteenth century saw the emergence of a model of human origins based very much on Haeckel 's linear progressionism , but this was replaced in the early years of the twentieth century by a theory more in tune with the new paleontology .
9 This was recognized in the 1430s by the author of The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye , when he advocated the use of a trade embargo to force Flemish compliance with English policies ( 43 , pp.5–6 ) .
10 This was made in the following way .
11 Statutory provision for this was made in the Social Work ( Scotland ) Act 1968 .
12 This was demonstrated in the first political crisis of wartime , a carry over from peacetime .
13 This was followed in the next issue by an examination of the reasons for the controversy , which could include personal vanity .
14 This was delineated in the middle class by sharper divides in primary and secondary education and at upper levels by stricter matriculation standards .
15 This was excavated in the nineteenth century , mainly at Vulci near Florence , and belonged to the noble Guglielmi family until 1935 , when Benedetto donated half of the more than 700 artefacts to the Pope ; the other heir died without leaving his share to the Vatican .
16 This was seen in the first five patients treated , by serial cholangiographies through indwelling nasobiliary catheters .
17 This was done in the early part of the summer and was just disclosed .
18 This was done in the following ways : ( a ) By extending the concept of legal right .
19 When the king commanded deer to be taken for his use in the royal forests it was usually the warden 's responsibility to see that this was done in the proper manner .
20 This was confirmed in the 1987 study and was acknowledged by the Authority , as we have seen .
21 Buchanan also argues , as does the Vindiciae , that the function of a monarchy is to serve the good of the people , and this was echoed in the Dutch Edict of Renunciation of 1581 : the subjects are not created by God for the benefit of the Prince …
22 Although this was rejected in the previous paper as putting an unacceptable limitation on taxpayers and their accountants , the responses suggest that the perceived balance of advantage may have shifted .
23 A clear example of this was presented in the recent critique by Sinha ( 1986 ) of the goals of psychology .
24 This was received in the next room on Creed teleprinters from the wires of the Canadian Press .
25 Given that this was formed in the late 1980s and that our estimated time for previous changes to reach the Rockall Trough was 18–19 years , we predict that the next decade will see continued cooling and freshening of the subpolar gyre as the latest form of LSW circulates around the North Atlantic .
26 An important phase in this was achieved in the diplomatic efforts initiated by the Red Cross Resolution of 1965 which eventually led to the 1977 Geneva Protocols , discussed in the previous section .
27 This was illustrated in the leading common law case of Attorney-General v.
28 Until this time , any bidder may retract his bid , and this was settled in the 18th century case of Payne v Cave ( 1789 ) 3 TR 148 .
29 The school leaving age was raised to 16 ( nearly 30 years after this was recommended in the 1944 Education Act ) .
30 I am afraid this was entered in the New Routes Book as a wind-up for a certain rock climbing columnist and to check whether he actually visited the places he wrote about .
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