Example sentences of "[adj] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you consistently — and by that I mean once or twice daily — follow this waist plan you will feel and see a definite toning up of the whole line .
2 There follows the usual discussion on oppressed-minority self-detecting radar — Jewish , lesbian or otherwise — and some sniffing delicately around the problematical area of Israel , policies of and attitudes toward : Then Clint refers back to the books .
3 Most of the alleged incidents occurred during 1985–89 , with some dating back to the late 1970s .
4 This pushing onwards of the chronological stages over the centuries partly reflects a second , more fundamental transformation : the cumulative impact of changes in health and demography .
5 But behind him there was a large array of saints , customs , observances , and claims of one kind or another going back to a remote past .
6 So this damping down of the sensory input when attention moves elsewhere can occur very early in the pathway from the sense organ to the brain .
7 Tithonus creates a sense of emotional anguish by Tennyson 's use of inversion between lines five and six , ‘ Me only cruel immortality/consumes ’ : This breaking up of the main image of the poem suggests that Tithonus has been captured by immortality .
8 This breaking down of the large molecules to smaller ones is the job of enzymes .
9 As I banked to port to make a full beam attack on the nearest 88 I sighted the 109s coming down on the other three .
10 Oh , this coming back to an empty house , Rupert thought , when he had seen her safely up to her door .
11 This handing over of the Conservative party , in Denis Healey 's phrase , ‘ from the estate owners to the estate agents ’ , has been a process upper class Tories have watched with distaste .
12 They spurn any subjective dressing up of the naked data .
13 By way of variation I was coming off night duty one cold , grey winter 's morning and very much looking forward to a warm bed when , for some unknown reason , my revenue conscience was aroused by the sight of a man , whom I recognised as an engineer from one of our early morning ferries , hurrying up the road towards town .
14 of 1826 coming in at a deserved third in the field .
15 basically the criteria is what is the most , how is it most sensibly dealt with , right , cos you do n't want a or somebody like that rushing all over the bleeding country going to Aberdeen one minute , Edinburgh the next
16 Has the building been changed from the original by additions and alterations , and are these cracking away from the main building ?
17 Similarly , as more attention is paid to CAE , engineering and testing costs become more significant and need to be incorporated into product costs rather than left floating around as a general charge ‘ below the line ’ .
18 ‘ It 's all very fine sitting around on a sunny morning sounding confident .
19 Of course , Doyle 's success brought imitators by the score , all writing then in the short story form .
20 Yet anyone who cocked an ear to their self-titled debut EP earlier this year will have been impressed by how un-English it was , both in its rough-hewn melancholic tangle — most obviously echoing both Buffalo Tom and the N-band , though not actually resembling either — and the absence of what has now become the standard English guitar-band attitude : jumped-up barrow boys jostling those same old post-punk moves , all looking out for the main chance and a quick route to the charts .
21 There followed the annus mirabilis of 1889 during which , on Wilson 's later estimate , 130,000 members were enrolled in branches at 45 ports , a number representing , net of officers , engineers , cooks and stewards , " almost the whole of the seamen in the British mercantile marine " , though , he added with unusual candour , " it is true that they are not all paying up at the present time " , partly , it seems , because of the union 's policy of issuing " privilege tickets " involving no entry money or contributions until members could afford to pay .
22 Some staple foods had come off ration with the promise of more to follow , all adding up to a gradual end to austerity .
23 Never looks good going out on a falling tide .
24 The gradual phasing out of the married woman 's option has been accompanied by the introduction of credits towards the basic state pension for those who are out of the labour market because of home responsibilities .
25 The Marquess of Salisbury had become Prime Minister in 1895 , and in 1889 his government introduced death duties which were to lead to the gradual breaking up of the wealthy estates , which previously had passed from father to son — or some other relative — without any loss .
26 But at the time of the Tughluks , when the gridded lines of now-collapsed rubble were bustling streets and bazaars , armouries and elephant stables , all rising up from the glittering waters of the lake , then the sight must have been breathtaking .
27 . They 're all coming down off the bloody erm .
28 It 's called the Denman 's Summer Festival Focus on Europe , and , do n't miss the exciting chance to come to Denman College during the Denman Summer Festival , when we should be celebrating the closer coming together of the European commu Community .
29 In Ghana at Suame Magazine in the city of Kumasi , about 5,000 craftsmen operating in makeshift sheds , in small garages , and in workshops , offer a complete repair service to Ghana 's fleet of ageing vehicles , all suffering badly from a ten-year shortage of spare parts .
30 The night was wild and stormy , and we were all sitting together in the big kitchen .
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