Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tests of significance for intervention effects were then carried out by taking the ratio ( χ 2 /df for the intervention effect ) / ( χ 2 /df for the interaction between school and interventions ) to yield an approximate F statistic .
2 As yet , OmniPoint is still in its first release , with OmniPoint 2 set for the end of 1994 .
4 There is not much comfort for the museum in the knowledge that celebrated works are impossible to fence ; the idiosyncratic choice of stolen works strongly suggests that one buyer 's taste was being followed and that they are destined to be hidden away in a private collection , possibly in South America or Japan .
5 Clauses 70 to 73 provide for the introduction of the council tax set separately by the regional , islands and district councils in respect of dwellings in their areas .
6 These provide for the constitution of the board of directors of the company and the decision-making process ; the right to appoint a non-executive director ; negative pledges in favour of the investing institutions ; the flow of regular financial management information to the investors ; the giving of warranties by the management team and Newco ; and the granting of restrictive covenants .
7 ALL change for the up-line to a rosier future .
8 All set for the get-in at the Variety tonight ? ’
9 By the time the area basic training course starts , trainees should have a good feel for the work of their bureau , and CAB policy and practice .
10 ‘ Oh yes , ' ’ I said , ‘ ‘ but now they all work for the Ministry of the Interior .
11 The Indian Supreme Court on Aug. 27 cleared the way for a resumption of investigations into allegations of high-level corruption in connection with the 1986 deal for the purchase of Bofors artillery from Sweden for the Indian army [ see p. 37184 ] .
12 Does the extension in claimable hours alone account for the increase in the number of night visits ?
13 The concluding words of section 18(1) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 provide for the consequence of an adjudication in these terms : ‘ and thereupon the property of the bankrupt shall become divisible among his creditors and shall vest in a trustee . ’
14 Darren Biggs hit the 50 mark for the season with his win on Iommelli at Sandown yesterday .
15 And therefore by a mighty feat of arithmetic we come up with the figure of what , one hundred and twenty eight go for the system by thirds .
16 To get an approximate feel for the size of the loss , in 1985 according to the National Income and Expenditure " Blue Book " , £4046 million was spent on gas , out of total consumers ' expenditure of £213,208 million .
17 I did n't want to have to keep carrying her back to the same perch for the rest of her life , although she did occasionally fly to the perch herself , she was so used to it .
18 Therefore two suffer for the guilt of one .
19 The wheel dates from the 1955 Campaign for the Congress of the People which drew up and adopted the Freedom Charter .
20 Travel agents say they 've sold out of foreign holidays as thousands head for the sun over the Easter Bank holiday .
21 More important for the present discussion , however , was the spatial variability in both support for the strike over the full period and the rate of the drift back to work .
22 In either case sections 23 and 24 Trade Descriptions Act 1968 allow for the prosecution of the hotel ( whether it be a company or a proprietor ) or another person who is directly responsible for the commission of the offence , i.e. the reception manager .
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