Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Asking the children to write advertisements for a new teacher provides valuable insights into children 's values : kind , not too strict , gives interesting lessons , does n't shout , all seem to appear frequently in children 's specifications .
2 Hinrich Medau evolved a simple method of teaching piano improvisation so that even students who have never played the piano before and have no previous knowledge of music almost all learn to play well for movement , even if only in a very simple way .
3 The result is that many have to rely heavily on rote learning and memory , with limited understanding .
4 The two plan to work together on development of hardware and software components that support Fibre Channel Standard optical-link technology , not only for the RS/6000 but ultimately for connection to mainframes and other mid-range systems such as IBM 's AS/400 , personal computers and peripherals .
5 In addition , the increased proportion of small or newly established companies may have boosted the number of liquidations , since both tend to rely heavily on bank finance .
6 In the UK and Ireland , whilst a few people are getting poorer , the majority of people are increasing their standard of living and most expect to get better off year after year .
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