Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [prep] [art] same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although these work on the same principles as the above they could prove an expensive luxury as well as causing more problems than they solve .
2 These spring from the same points as the diagonals and divide the four large compartments into smaller ones .
3 The representational aspects of the five theories differ widely , but all suffer from the same problems of knowledge acquisition and inefficiency when implementations are attempted .
4 If everybody knows everybody else and they all go to the same parties , then there is bound to be a certain unanimity , if not in their judgements at least in their objects of attention .
5 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
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