Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] off [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been easier to set off in the daylight but it was n't possible .
2 This makes it easier to switch off at the end .
3 The trend looks set to take off in the UK , although different in some ways from the American experience .
4 We were relieved to stop off at the Hotel de la Cachette in Arc 1600 for a delicious buffet lunch .
5 And as a business , politician and freemason , it was only natural to go off to the golf course on a Sunday .
6 He had screeched to a halt in the residents ' parking bay in an unimpressed Hereford Road , let himself in , banged on his own door and , keeping his distance , ordered Jacqui to go off to the pictures for the afternoon .
7 He 'd been lucky to get off with a year for that .
8 The fans were right to give me stick but they 've been good to me and it 's great to come off to a reception like that . ’
9 there is not a single piece by anyone other than himself on these discs which he is not able to rattle off with the short of nonchalant ease that would probably make even ARgerich or Pollini green with envy .
10 Curbishley then won the 300 metres in equally convincing fashion , being able to ease off down the home straight once she was assured of victory , but still shaving a second off the record in 42.2 secs .
11 The intention is to design equipment so that when the maintenance engineer then calls he , or she , should be able to read off from a display on the machine which circuit board has failed and then simply slip in a replacement .
12 But a combination of the £1.3 billion cash call and the general lack of confidence in the pharmaceutical sector means that Zeneca is unlikely to get off to the sort of flying start that some had hoped for .
13 Getting their own to take off in the market place is another matter .
14 ‘ Yes sir , I suppose … all I meant was , it 's nice to start off with a gift from God , so to speak . ’
15 So these are now ready to go off to the specialists , okay .
16 At the very last minute Nessie handed the pig bucket to Tim , who was sitting at the back with Kevin and the children ready to jump off at the road end .
17 She had not missed the fact that the coffee-table was piled high with past copies of Query and his arrogant manner was beginning to annoy her to such an extent that she was just about ready to storm off through the door and let Mr Parnham make of it what he could .
18 A First Spiritualist does n't drink coffee , or eat white bread or cheese ( apart from Gorgonzola — the Good Cheese as it 's called ) , and faced by a frankfurter is liable to scoot off into a corner , whimpering .
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