Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] because [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the authority felt them to be impractical to implement because of the assumptions about resources .
2 The actual published version is considerably easier to understand because of the use of ‘ bar charts ’ , which can not be reproduced here .
3 Even so , the potential gain from a lower rate — even if it had been negotiable through the International Monetary Fund — is not easy to estimate because of the problems of relative elasticities of demand for both exports and imports and the problem of the cost effects of higher import prices , not least as they would have affected wage bargaining [ Ball , 1967 ] .
4 Among printers ' mementoes , one should not forget the special examples , in the nature of things not easy to find because of the infrequency of the occasions , produced by presses set up on frozen rivers , such as the Thames and Severn .
5 There was about half an hour when It was impossible to sleep because of the noise of military aircraft
6 Most often , related papers are easy to determine because of the specificity of titles in the field , and unrelated papers are very obviously unrelated .
7 Most often , related papers are easy to determine because of the specificity of titles in the field , and unrelated papers are very obviously unrelated .
8 Of the written words available , the Club 's own records , in particular the minutes , were infuriatingly incomplete , largely impossible to read because of the writing , and either terse about something important or long winded about something trivial .
9 Secondly , he was a designer whose work is hard to excel because of the inspirations he took from natural sources .
10 He said : ‘ I 've found it very hard to relax because of the pressures .
11 It was hard to tell because of the sun glinting on his glasses .
12 Comparisons are hard to make because of the unreliability of the numbers recorded prior to the introduction of charges .
13 They are most likely to occur because of a jerk in the cable causing an overrun , with the rope becoming tangled in the main wheel of the glider .
14 I would open the door to them and check their names off in the appointment book , often unable to converse because of the language barrier .
15 Later that year , when Beltrami was acting for McGuinness in another matter , McGuinness admitted his involvement at Ayr — information that Mr Beltrami was unable to divulge because of the confidentiality of the client-solicitor relationship .
16 We found it one of the simplest to use because of the trigger action and the compact shape .
17 They added that the foreigners were not hostages ‘ in the normal sense of the word ’ but merely ‘ unable to move because of the rebel presence ’ .
18 On the same day , the eighteenth of October , Mr came back and spoke to Miss about this telephone call and he rang Peter in the afternoon of that Friday and he asked again if it was possible to withdraw because of the landlord 's failure to consent to the er assignment and again er after what will er be described as a fairly easy discussion between the plaintiff and er Mr , er he was told very clearly that it was not possible for him to withdraw , contracts had been exchanged and he was advised that what the landlords er failure to consent did was in fact er provide Mr with more breathing space in order to obtain proper funding and re-arrange his finances er , that again is denied .
19 Hot spots appear to be rather irregularly distributed over the Earth 's surface ( Fig. 4.4 ) but the real pattern is difficult to establish because of the problems of identifying specific hot spots and incomplete data in some regions .
20 While this approach might appear to be the treatment of choice for many adolescent self-poisoners , in practice , family therapy is often difficult to establish because of the reluctance of some family members to become involved .
21 The academic course is extremely difficult to characterise because of the multiplicity of higher education courses taken by future language teachers ; and it is becoming more so , as the predominance of the ‘ traditional ’ literature course is weakened .
22 In addition , questions of quality in the British context are particularly difficult to answer because of the complexity and range of services provided by the NHS and the wide-ranging but incomplete responsibilities health authorities have for the health of their populations .
23 She had a restless night and is finding it difficult to sleep because of the memories of the attack .
24 The shelling had increased and it was difficult to sleep because of the noise and , above all , the persistence of the mosquitoes .
25 So , so sort of technically , politically that would have been quite difficult to do because of the manpower involved etcetera
26 The men would risk being scattered on landing and the pilots would find it difficult to navigate because of the sand being blown about by the wind .
27 Reactive free radicals are often the active species controlling complex chemical reactions , yet they are difficult to understand because of the problems in studying them .
28 While few are fatal , all are difficult to control because of the presence of fish .
29 Sometimes rap was difficult to defend because at the time it was all dicks and gold .
30 It 's been a bit Well it 's it 's been been a bit difficult to test because with the sort of ready the read-me files .
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