Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] them [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 That evening , after supper , I was too tired to write up notes , so I lay thinking over the day in order to make it easier to write them up in the morning .
2 The ‘ Jowters ’ , too , would purchase some to sell them around in the country districts .
3 Dressing apraxia refers to difficulty in putting on clothes ; the patient may manipulate them haphazardly , unable to relate them spatially to his own body , or he may be unable to put them on in the correct sequence .
4 It would be best to grow them on in the smaller tank as they are likely to be attacked , if not eaten , by the larger fish .
5 I was surprised to see them up in the tall grasses , instead of moving along the exposed bank , but I realised that the rising river level had forced them up .
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