Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] its [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was not , however , willing to discuss its assessment of the impact of its operations on the environment and on the local people .
2 It seems , then , that in the absence of more objective procedures and criteria , government is here prepared to place its trust in the process described in a well-known British idiom as ‘ it takes one to know one ’ .
3 Analysts believe that the central bank , which cut interest rates by 1 percentage point last week in an attempt to stem the rise of the escudo , may be prepared to remove its barriers over the next few weeks if rate cuts staunch the flow of hot money into Lisbon .
4 The National Government had been allotted a definite task , and on its completion it is understood that Parliament should be dissolved as soon as circumstances permit , and that each of the parties should be left free to place its policy before the electors for their approval .
5 But Cambridge City Council 's environmental health department warned that the success of the appeal did not set a precedent , and that the court had been careful to reiterate its concern at the ‘ grave breaches of the Food Hygiene Regulations ’ .
6 Furthermore , BRAC has been willing to adapt its programme in the light of new findings , as demonstrated in the following brief description of Phase 3 .
7 In a speech delivered on Nov. 16 Zhu indicated that China was fully prepared to link its dispute with the UK over Hong Kong with the two countries ' future economic relations .
8 However , it is also interesting to examine its role in the transition from employment to unemployment , both to see if those finishing temporary assignments are over-represented amongst people becoming jobless , and more particularly to see if temporary working is related to the phenomenon of recurrent unemployment .
9 For like a great many theories , it seems much more easily applicable to some kinds of text than to others ; one can see quite clearly its possible relevance to the sort of literature that the New Critics generally preferred to discuss , the lyric tradition from Shakespeare , roughly speaking , to Yeats ( Wimsatt and Brooks described their movement ( 1957 : 742 ) as ‘ neo-classic ’ ) ; but it is much less easy to see its relevance to the novel , or to much modern avant-garde writing .
10 It is not an attitude that would carry much weight in other educational circles , but it is easy to see its roots in the traditions of apprenticeship to a trade .
11 Plastic card investment : Barclays Bank looks set to tighten its stranglehold on the processing of plastic card transactions and will invest more than £22.5m in the service .
12 That 's no making of the European parliament , the European parliament will be delighted to hold its meetings in the new building in Brussels .
13 Two consortia — one led by P & O and the other by Trafalgar House — are still bidding for partnership with BR , which is due to announce its choice by the end of the month .
14 The Bank of England Task Force for Securities Settlement is due to announce its proposals for the replacement system by the end of June .
15 It was a sore point with some villagers who never wished it there and were glad to see its removal during the 1939–45 war for scrap along with the church railings .
16 There was a shortfall in orders to carry the company into the 1990s — the famous ‘ black hole ’ — and it was vastly overmanned for the amount of work that was likely to come its way in the immediate future .
17 As a result it 's supposedly eyeing the server contingent more seriously and is likely to strengthen its association with the Hewlett-Packard and Digital Equipment Corps of the world .
18 Where an organisation will not or can not meet its obligations , a third party creditor is likely to press its claims against the members of the organisation , despite their third party status with respect to the particular transaction .
19 It will be hard to match its success for the return visit in 1994 .
20 Within sight of power , the group has had a public bust-up likely to reduce its appeal in the forthcoming election .
21 The Regia Aeronautica was quick to reclaim its airfields on the island , and by mid May the force assembled there was once more quite impressive : ( *the Reggiane Re 2000s were a test batch of the first pre-production examples of this little monoplane fighter . )
22 However , he declined to comment on whether the council was likely to change its mind about the scheme .
23 The Gulf crisis illustrated the continuing implacable hostility between Cuba and the USA , as the former attempted to use its position on the UN Security Council to impede the US-led campaign against Iraq [ see pp. 37695 ; 37870 ] .
24 It has fewer benefits to dispense than previously , yet is faced with a plethora of interests , each of which is unwilling to moderate its demands in the interests of all .
25 AMNESTY International has much to do in the '90s to maintain its role as the world 's leading human rights movement , Peter Benenson , the organisation 's founder , told the annual Amnesty International Youth Conference last year .
26 The Department of Education and Science remains unwilling to declare its criteria for the recognition of overseas qualifications ; one suspects that the decisions are not based on any defined criteria , when one considers that British degrees are recognised irrespective of the class and subject in which they were taken , whilst a first degree in a community language from an overseas university will not generally be recognised .
27 When it was privatised , the prospectus projected a £10.2 million loss for the first year ( which in fact was 16 months long to take its accounts to the calendar year-end ) .
28 The company produced 211,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide in 1991 , although it was unable to compare its emissions with the previous year .
29 8 Each party is " disciplined " and possesses sufficient internal cohesion , so as to ensure that once in office it is able to carry its programme through the House of Commons and into law .
30 Among the masters the move to destroy unions spread ; and support for the Grand National Consolidated Trade Union , not yet fully organised and unable to sustain its members through the ensuing series of strikes and lock-outs , rapidly faded away .
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