Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They tried to start a conversation , but it was n't easy to make themselves heard above the music and chatter .
2 Anybody scheduling an experiment was likely to find himself faced with a lawsuit if he did n't make the environmental impact statement that was required under the National Environmental Policy Act .
3 First , it 's hard to stop oneself looking at the scene , it 's so fascinating .
4 One of his rules , which Miss Claybury could not contest , was that all patients must be spoken to kindly , but it was hard to make himself heard above the noise .
5 On one issue which centrally concerned the Consultative Councils — electricity prices — their attitudes were predictable and damaging : the Councils generally added to the pressure for uneconomically low prices , though members who adopted an aggressively consumerist line were unlikely to find themselves reappointed by the Minister .
6 Occasionally she was able to force herself to go in a lift if it was one of those with a window at the front so that she could see the passing floors .
7 Rolling down the bank at an ever-increasing speed , Daniel was unable to prevent himself falling into the chill waters of the canal .
8 He was amused to find himself surrounded by the dead mackerel of his own catch , and held one aloft , waving and shouting to his crew that if they did n't hoick him out good and quick , there 'd be no free ale in Mother Russell 's that night .
9 During the first match I was amazed to find myself sitting beside a Church of Ireland minister , a Free Presbyterian Minister and a Roman Catholic priest .
10 If you really do love your pasta , it is probably best to allow yourself to indulge in a sensible pasta for your main course .
11 Neither of the Glovers had used a public telephone for a long while and were astonished to find themselves confronted by a totally unfamiliar contraption .
12 Twice , when he had run out of ideas , he had driven the little Triumph out of the district to a coffee shop where he was not known , and had sat drinking coffee and talking to the men next to him at the counter , surprised to find himself accepted as a member of the grown-up world .
13 Most of them were senior members of the Institute and Hall could well have been surprised to find himself confronted with a group of men bound together by a considerable degree of common purpose and understanding .
14 WHATEVER the good intentions and fine words about women doing anything a man can do , there are still industries where men would be surprised to find themselves dealing with a woman .
15 At Stourbridge Town Hall in the West Midlands last night , where Botham began his tour , those who came instead of a night out at the pictures were somewhat surprised to find themselves treated to a night out at the pictures .
16 I visualized Alison as living in a classic North Oxford mansion set on a bosky avenue amid the murmuring of innumerable dons , so I was surprised to find myself directed up the hill to Headington .
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