Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [subord] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the authority felt them to be impractical to implement because of the assumptions about resources .
2 In the case of carers who have their own children this is easier to see than for the classic ( and disappearing ) case of the single daughter who was presumed to be childless ; although in that case the assumption in the past was that the single daughter would be rewarded in material terms through being the major beneficiary of her parents ' will , if they had money or property to bequeath .
3 The actual published version is considerably easier to understand because of the use of ‘ bar charts ’ , which can not be reproduced here .
4 Similarly , telex and faxing were more analogous to mail than to the press .
5 But it might be more appropriate to wait until nearer the time to send a memo , I do n't know .
6 Even so , the potential gain from a lower rate — even if it had been negotiable through the International Monetary Fund — is not easy to estimate because of the problems of relative elasticities of demand for both exports and imports and the problem of the cost effects of higher import prices , not least as they would have affected wage bargaining [ Ball , 1967 ] .
7 Among printers ' mementoes , one should not forget the special examples , in the nature of things not easy to find because of the infrequency of the occasions , produced by presses set up on frozen rivers , such as the Thames and Severn .
8 There was about half an hour when It was impossible to sleep because of the noise of military aircraft
9 This has rated some fish species impossible to keep as in the case of a number of polyp-feeding butterflyfish species .
10 Most often , related papers are easy to determine because of the specificity of titles in the field , and unrelated papers are very obviously unrelated .
11 Most often , related papers are easy to determine because of the specificity of titles in the field , and unrelated papers are very obviously unrelated .
12 Of the written words available , the Club 's own records , in particular the minutes , were infuriatingly incomplete , largely impossible to read because of the writing , and either terse about something important or long winded about something trivial .
13 Secondly , and this was not so widely appreciated , the deuterium nuclei are farther apart in the palladium than in the heavy water , and being further apart are even less likely to fuse when in the palladium than in the heavy water !
14 Nowhere is this amnesia more likely to apply than within the intimacy of marriage .
15 Another normal step in the process of grieving , one which often follows closely on numbness , is anger , often just free-floating anger without specific focus and likely to last until around the anniversary of the death which caused it .
16 Secondly , he was a designer whose work is hard to excel because of the inspirations he took from natural sources .
17 He said : ‘ I 've found it very hard to relax because of the pressures .
18 It was hard to tell because of the sun glinting on his glasses .
19 Comparisons are hard to make because of the unreliability of the numbers recorded prior to the introduction of charges .
20 Nowhere is the balance between the natural and the contrived so hard to attain as in the making of a ‘ domesticated ’ meadow .
21 They are most likely to occur because of a jerk in the cable causing an overrun , with the rope becoming tangled in the main wheel of the glider .
22 As these retirements were taking effect around Easter , I felt it better to wait until after the Easter celebrations before making any appointments .
23 As with due diligence , the warranties in an asset sale are likely to be far shorter and hence quicker and cheaper to negotiate than in a share sale .
24 I would open the door to them and check their names off in the appointment book , often unable to converse because of the language barrier .
25 From these observations the task before the court on this appeal can be distilled in this form : the court is concerned to inquire as to the persons with respect to whom Parliament is presumed to have been legislating when using the expression , ‘ any person , ’ and in making that inquiry Parliament is to be taken to have been legislating only for British subjects or foreigners coming to the United Kingdom , unless the contrary is expressed ( which it is not here ) or is plainly implicit .
26 I am writing to request any information you may be able to give as to the key 's history and value .
27 Later that year , when Beltrami was acting for McGuinness in another matter , McGuinness admitted his involvement at Ayr — information that Mr Beltrami was unable to divulge because of the confidentiality of the client-solicitor relationship .
28 We found it one of the simplest to use because of the trigger action and the compact shape .
29 For the purchaser , it is important to consider whether as a result of the assignment the purchaser will be able to enforce the benefit of the contract directly against the supplier or whether such benefit can only be enforced with the co-operation of the vendor .
30 They added that the foreigners were not hostages ‘ in the normal sense of the word ’ but merely ‘ unable to move because of the rebel presence ’ .
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