Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They were so far away from me , and there was nothing that they could do to alleviate the hardship of Legion life , so it appeared unnecessary to burden them with minor worries about bullying and violence .
2 It could even be suggested to him that he leave Vietnam and ‘ take up once more the philosophical studies to which he had devoted a great deal of his previous life ’ , and it might also be suggested that ‘ there would be pension adequate to support him in those studies ’ .
3 Though most women experience the feelings I did , they are only willing to discuss them with other mothers .
4 Having built up the reserves , it is prepared to use them in difficult times , and that is the right thing to do .
5 As such there is controversy about the extent to which it is justifiable to describe them as political systems in their own right .
6 Rather than market and hierarchy being opposed to types , as in the Williamsonian formulation , it may be more appropriate to see them as alternative solutions to the problem of how to arrange functional alignment within the enterprise .
7 ‘ Mr. H. A. Allbutt might have ventilated his views without let or hindrance from professional authority had he been content to address them to medical men instead of the public . ’
8 The strong simplicity of his ideas about life and the universe made it easy to link him with other men of understanding , so that for me the book seemed to be ringing with echoes of Hamlet and Richard Jefferies and the New Testament .
9 Neither Jochen Mass nor Patrick Tambay did much to push him towards fresh championships ; his Number One status in the team was assured without effort , and I have often been led to wonder what would have happened if Teddy Mayer had been smart enough to hire a young hot-shot to give Master James a needed shot in the arm .
10 This arrangement , which appears to have much to recommend it in professional terms as well as adding to the attraction of professional posts for recruiting purposes , has not been taken up on any scale by public libraries .
11 There is usually a square grid of lines on the backing , which makes it easy to cut it in straight lines , and a small roll can cover quite a few items .
12 Towns vary widely , although it is possible to group them in various types .
13 Do n't be grumpy or touchy now — you 'll be glad to see them after 26.2 miles and you want them to be happy to see you too .
14 Third , the Acropolis of Athens — a feature which , like some other masterpieces of nature or art , is so familiar that it is hard to see it with fresh eyes — was an inevitable centre for the rynoikism or concentration of Attica from a plurality of villages into a mia polis , ‘ one city ’ .
15 He drove himself hard , expecting his workforce to do the same , but he was quick to provide them with social benefits — housing in 1901 and 1908 , a hospital and benefit scheme in 1917 , holidays with pay , and a consultative board of directors and workers ' representatives in 1927 .
16 Providence saw fit to favour me with wonderful in-laws .
17 I was supposed to use it for 20 minutes on each side in between Holly 's feeds , which were every two or three hours anyway .
18 This decision must not be left to the magistrates to make as they are likely to base it upon pragmatic considerations only .
19 At the age of 37 — old by Australian standards — Border accepts that he is nearing the end of his career but he is desparate to prolong it for two reasons .
20 Once public debate is permitted in the election period it becomes hard to prohibit it at other times .
21 The ones that a friend of mine who was once in the TA has been promising to get me for three years now .
22 Constanze 's guardian accordingly drew up a document that Mozart was required to sign , promising to marry her within three years , or else pay a large sum as compensation .
23 Recognising sharp practice in their dealers from the outset , they would be less likely to blame them for huge losses .
24 Even granting the absurdity of Hitler 's racialist theories , it would be possible to credit him with realistic goals ( to exploit a political scapegoat , to depopulate Eastern Europe for resettlement ) for which he could massacre Jews and Slavs in as full awareness as theirs when they flee or fight .
25 The solution requires a reassessment of the nature of Toryism at this time ; rather than seeing the Tories as royal absolutists , it is better to see them as conservative legal-constitutionalists , deeply committed to the rule of law and the Anglican Church .
26 If your list of suspect foods is very extensive , it may be better to split them into two groups and try eliminating each group in turn .
27 To understand the internal dynamic of debate , change and tension within Catholic history in this period , it may be helpful to divide it into three parts .
28 Yeah well , it was right it was cheaper to do it for twelve months anyway .
29 The South African government has declared the great white shark ( carcharodon carcharias ) a protected species , making it illegal to hunt it within 200 miles of the South African coast .
30 While it is often convenient to deal with equations such as ( 2 ) in the way indicated , it is also often useful to transform them into first-order equations .
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