Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [that] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly Premack 's findings are under this cloud since Sarah 's performance suffered considerably when in the presence of a trainer who did not know the answers that she was supposed to give , and it would seem natural to expect that the more broadbrush methods of the gestural teaching would be equally suspect .
2 At the same time , all forms of what would usually be considered popular music can in principle be disseminated by face-to-face methods ( for instance , in concerts ) rather than the mass media , and can be made available free , or even structured as collective participation , rather than sold as a commodity ; it is hard to believe that a few friends , jamming on ‘ Born in the USA ’ at a party , are not producing ‘ popular music ’ .
3 It was hard to believe that a few moments earlier he 'd aroused that snake-pit of desire inside her .
4 When the product is the supplier it is naive to suppose that the same rules apply .
5 The Windows for Workgroups beta included software to permit a DOS machine to hook up to a Windows for Workgroups network , although only as a client , so it 's safe to assume that the same Workgroup Connection software will find its way into version 6 .
6 It would be absurdly sanguine to suggest that the latter half of the twentieth century has witnessed any global movement in the direction of democracy or popular power .
7 Mr. Eames will no doubt be pleased to hear that a few foxhunters are killed every year in falls .
8 Although it was difficult to pretend that a former member of the Rhodesian Special Air Service was on a par in purely military terms with a goat-herd from Bolivia , the fact that both were starting afresh made administration that much easier .
9 Without such explanation , of course , it makes it difficult to accept that the same things really are taking place in the different spheres .
10 When night fell we were appalled to find that the same principle had been carried over to the highway .
11 It is tempting to suggest that the same kind of jigsaw process will explain the shape of an elephant , but almost certainly it is not true .
12 It is tempting to assume that the same rule applies , but quasar redshifts are , in some cases , very much bigger than any measured galaxy redshift , so the assumption involves considerable extrapolation .
13 The increase in the average number of TDs per constituency was small : from 3.52 to 4.05 , but sufficient to ensure that no more bonuses as generous as those awarded to Fianna Fail in 1969 and 1977 would any longer be available .
14 But a moment 's reflection is sufficient to show that no such reduction is possible .
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