Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The largest companies told Mr Chiles they were willing to go along with his programme in the belief that they could compete .
2 She was being racially harassed and was afraid to go out into her garden .
3 This Bel-Shamharoth seemed prepared to go out of his way to help stranded travellers .
4 WHAT WE ‘ post ’ feminists need are more men like Tony who are prepared to stand up in their men 's self-help groups — instead of wasting space on the semen-stained women 's page — and acknowledge together that they are basically ‘ sacks of scum ’ .
5 Her tears subsided into sniffs , but she still was n't prepared to look up into his face .
6 But JUSt as it IS proper for me to look back to my wedding day as assurance that I am really married , so it is proper to look back to my baptism as a mark given me by the Holy Spirit that I am really born again in Christ , and to the eucharist as a pledge that I do partake of his life , feed on him , and shall in the last day share his resurrection .
7 His words surprised her at first , then anger took over — an anger so intense that she was prepared to walk out of her marriage and do irreparable damage to the Royal Family .
8 She 's obviously prepared to put up with your terms .
9 You 're saying that I 'm pretty hopeless at everything , but somebody might , just might , be prepared to put up with my teaching . ’
10 She had no illusions about why her children were so willing to shell out for their mother 's annual pilgrimage .
11 ‘ But it 's easier to hang on to your title than to win it afresh .
12 ‘ Irish political parties , and this includes Sinn Fein , must be prepared to assist the British to face up to their responsibilities regarding the Unionists and to face up to our responsibilities towards them also .
13 ‘ But I 'm not willing to break up with my wife and son yet .
14 ‘ Since you 're having Suzie 's trail pursued with such vigour , perhaps it would be sensible to stay on until my hotel reservation lapses . ’
15 Beneath this is a system which takes charge of managing computing parameters , leaving each application free to get on with its job .
16 ‘ Well , you are free to get on with your lives , ’ Ruth told him quietly .
17 Possibly the most trouble-free and profitable course in the first year is to grass-let part of the farm , on your own terms , thereby keeping the farm in work whilst leaving you free to get on with your development plans .
18 It made you afraid to step out of your house .
19 Little Marjorie Postine had refused all offers , and seemed content to remain up in her room all day , with the curtains drawn .
20 Whether he would have come to that conclusion if the building was betting-shop is an interesting thought , but we ‘ ve been delighted to go along with his judgement .
21 We were the first union in nineteen seventy six to come out with our policy on the then Race Relations Act it 's always been a trade union issue whether it was the trade unions in Germany in the twenties and thirties fighting Hitlerism and Nazi-ism or whether it was the trade unions fighting Moseley and his black shirts in Britain it has always been part of our ideals and principles .
22 Liverpool were content to hang on to their lead but manager Graeme Souness conceded : ‘ I said after Wednesday 's defeat by Spurs that we would play worse and win , and that was the case today .
23 For now , Cher is content to hang out with her girlfriends .
24 ‘ Look — ’ now she was finding it all but impossible to get back to her feet , and the embarrassment of having him witness her futile struggles was fast becoming unbearable ‘ — I 'm quite happy just to potter about by myself here ; you really do n't have to hang around me . ’
25 ‘ When you propose , are n't you supposed to go down on your knees ? ’
26 The books tell you that badgers love peanuts , but what they do n't tell you is that a plastic peanut packet is likely to go off in your pocket with a high-decibel rustle that will send any self-respecting badger right back underground .
27 He left , promising to come down with his wife and make a party of it .
28 Locke 's tentative suggestion about the possibility of thinking matter would have seemed to lead to atheism too ; but he was quick to point out to his critic , Edward Stillingfleet , that the suggestion that we might be purely material does not involve the denial of all spiritual immaterial beings ; if we are thinking matter , it needed a spiritual God to make us so .
29 We are not even likely to put up with our politicians ' abdication of monetary responsibility for long , though it is another subject they try not to mention in front of us .
30 It was one of those uncomfortable collisions with discontent about housing and the quality of food which Ceauşescu 's aides were supposed to keep out of his itinerary .
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