Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [conj] the [adj] party " in BNC.

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1 It would be interesting to hear whether the Labour party agrees with the view of that huge public sector trade union .
2 I was staggered to learn that the Labour party and the Liberal Democrats gave categorical assurances to the House that rate capping or capping of any sort would not be part of their programmes .
3 It is interesting to note that the local Party cell 's initial report for January , that is , prior to the central decree of 16 February on church valuables , already concentrates on two things — possible rifts within the Church , and the flow of ecclesiastical monies .
4 A barricade of flagstones prised up from the floor had been erected for a final stand and the Collector , snatching a moment to look back towards it , was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it , thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank .
5 I can not think of many times when I have been able to say that the Green party is very much on our side in this matter .
6 It is important to note that the political party system in the Republic of Ireland is largely based on the divisions in the national-popular consciousness which occurred at the time of the Irish civil war .
7 It is important to note that the third party 's liability does not depend on establishing a breach of the order by the person enjoined .
8 It is also fair to suggest that the Labour Party benefited from the rising unemployment of the 1920s for it claimed , successfully in the 1920s , that although it could not solve unemployment , which was a product of a capitalist society , it would at least ensure that the unemployed were guaranteed a level of benefits which would ensure healthy life .
9 A short time ago , it would have been difficult to imagine that the Conservative Party in Parliament would be in open revolt against bishops of the Church of England .
10 It was still convenient to hold that the Labour Party relied on a " left " Party " which will stand between the Communist Party and the Labour Party and hold back the British workers from following the revolutionary policy of the Communist International " .
11 But it seems fair to add that the Green Party pledges to allow only the most needed road schemes and switch money to public transport .
12 My hon. Friend is right to say that the Labour party is increasingly losing credibility with patients , the public and the NHS staff because we are seeing concrete achievements by the NHS as the reforms work out in practice .
13 My hon. Friend is right to say that the Labour party has been closely associated with the development of those dogmas over many years .
14 It is also necessary to show that the third party ‘ has knowingly assisted [ the ] nominated trustee in a fraudulent and dishonest disposition of the trust property . ’
15 By the same token , the public school choice would not be surprised to find that the Labour Party opposition regarded the official unemployment figures as underestimates The arguments that divided them are illustrated in Table 10–2 , which reproduces in a slightly amended form a table that appeared in The Sunday Times ( 6 November 1983 ) .
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