Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [conj] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well I had learnt shorthand and typing at school but erm the money was necessary at home you see , and er with my sister working there , at H and T Hornes , er she spoke for me and er I had an interview and and they put me up in the nursery , we used to call it the nursery see because we were all fourteens up there and er then they called it the cylinder shop and er my foreman was a fella name Archie and erm everything was very very strict indeed , we could not move away from our board you could n't speak to the next one that was working by you , and er there was a fella named Mr and he was he , I did n't work for him I worked for Mr , but some you cou you were afraid to move because of this man and he he he 'd stare at you and he 'd look at you and anyway erm they put me assembling and it was very interesting indeed , there was a tall stand on , we called it the bench , a tall stand with a screw on the top and then to as begin to assemble the locks you had to take what we would call the body , screw it into the er little on the stand and then we had tweezers , there were , in the body there were five springs and then you had to have five breast pins and when you got the springs in you .. we have to have a plug at the back so as we could put each pin and push the plug over that a dummy plug we called it and so that was five pins were in and then there was a ball er when that , when we came to put it in our vice , we had to put the V I C E not V O voice .
2 Mr McArdle wrote : ‘ It is sad to report that in this case the behaviour of the Daily Mirror and its staff did not contribute in any way to the detection of crime .
3 This substitute would most likely have been an animal , and it is reasonable to assume that by this time animals were , to some extent at least , tamed if not domesticated .
4 It would be reasonable to suppose that at this latitude the islands would be frozen in for most — if not all — of the year , and so they would , were it not for the Gulf Stream .
5 It would certainly be unwise to argue that in this respect there has been any fundamental change in personnel practices in recent years .
6 Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point , or more exactly in excess of it .
7 The validity of such first destination statistics as a general measure of graduate employment will be discussed in Chapter 3 , and it is important to note that in this case they did not cover the colleges/institutes of higher education , which produce significant numbers of ‘ arts ’ graduates who have relatively high unemployment rates .
8 It is now difficult to imagine that at this time virtually all the academic departments were based in the Trent Building
9 While it is an oversimplification to view the first decade of operation as some kind of golden age , it is fair to say that until this point the EEC had worked fairly smoothly .
10 I should add here that even as a junior at Halton I was in the senior cross-country team — which only people in their very last year were normally eligible to join and at this stage I was in my first year of three , I was allowed to go out on any occasion , in running gear , to train as I was a bona fide member of the team and so on one of these occasions when I was out training — I always wore a sort of towel around my neck which looked very professional at the time and quite unnecessary — I managed to conceal the altimeter , which had become very very hot property by this time because it was known that several instruments were missing and we could have a visit from the gendarme .
11 More will be said below of their history in fiction ( chapter 4 ) ; for the present it is enough to notice that in this case , too , Sketches by Boz appears to mark a divide .
12 ‘ It may seem strange , ’ I agreed , ‘ but you see , I was surprised to find that in this country the Houys are the sensitive and intelligent creatures .
13 It is tempting to believe that in this story Poe may have had in mind a case of premature burial , in which the principal figure was the mother of his patron , John L. O'Sullivan .
14 It was last to start and at this rate , will probably be last to finish .
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