Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [conj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will be interesting to see if in the long term the claims that this product prevents damage to valve seats etc. from using leadfree fuel are true .
2 Indeed , we always try to give the benefit of the doubt , and the hon. Gentleman may be interested to know that in the last three years we have received 577 claims and have settled 372 of them .
3 Moreover , it would be quite wrong to conclude that in the above examples only the tones given would be appropriate ; it is , in fact , almost impossible to find a context where one could not substitute a different tone .
4 I think it 's exciting to think that on the rare occasion we feature a non farming issue , we discover what a group of internationalists our readers are , and how in touch you are with current affairs .
5 Nowhere is it easier to blackmail than in the criminal underworld and the grey areas of conduct that surround it .
6 He has been working very long hours setting up in business here in er in this area er he gets home late at night and I 'm afraid to say that over the last few months he 's been nagged continuously by his girlfriend who wants him to try and sort out financial arrangements because the relationship between the two of them 's not been very good .
7 It is interesting to note that in the last analysis it is evil which is its own undoing .
8 It is interesting to note that in the 1978 World Bank Report some communist countries were given a special category , ‘ centrallyplanned economies ’ .
9 I went often , partly because I enjoyed dancing and partly because we were offered the most delicious cakes , of a sort that was almost impossible to obtain except on the black market .
10 It is easy to guess that in the general case one would have , instead , the potential due to all other charges .
11 While it is comparatively easy to accept that in the primary years children have particular and specific qualities and that effective learning is most likely to take place in an environment which meets their intellectual , physical , social and emotional needs , it is much more difficult to define the components which make the learning environment effective .
12 The subsequent improvement in the balance of payments clearly owed something to devaluation but its effect is impossible to disentangle because of the general improvement in world markets .
13 You have the problem of how much to tax because on the one hand you 're trying to promote this rich peasant economy and not erm tax them too heavily because you do n't want to , them to not invest with
14 This makes the lock much stiffer to operate than on the earlier types of glider .
15 I am glad to report that in the past few months we have made real progress with the car manufacturers .
16 Although the existence of the statutes indicates certain offences which sometimes creep into public life , it is most gratifying to note that amongst the many tens of thousands of councillors serving voluntarily year by year in this country a prosecution under this Act is very rare indeed .
17 Though total equality might be hard to achieve because of the biological differences between the sexes , the legislation has perhaps been rounded of by the Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986 .
18 Many , unable or unwilling to see that by the 1890s the emergence of the proletariat had redefined the terms of the class struggle , failed to cut themselves adrift from their bourgeois and petty-bourgeois roots .
19 Indeed , it is rather illuminating to discover that within the first few pages of her book — and before she has even introduced her own work — she peremptorily dismisses the idea that genius is akin to madness .
20 It is this evidence that led West to the cautious conclusion that ‘ it is reasonable to assume that in the nineteenth century education played some part in economic growth . ’
21 It is necessary before undertaking an analysis of whether a restraint in a particular case is reasonable to decide whether in the first place the doctrine has any part to play .
22 The punching elbow must be flexed before it can be extended fully , and any attempt to strike with a semi-extended arm is sure to fail because of the obvious weakness of the technique .
23 It is astonishing to think that in the forty-odd years after the invention of printing , no fewer than ninety-four editions came off the presses of Europe ; and that for four centuries there has been almost no year in which a new edition has not appeared in England .
24 The advantage of heading towards the shore has to weighed against the possible disadvantage of lighter winds closer to shore because of the slowing effect of the land .
25 He was also able to report that under the new chief executive , David Michels , the group had regained control of its runaway balance sheet position by selling its Ashbourne nursing home division , launching a well-received rights issue and restructuring the banking arrangements with a considerable reduction in the number of banks .
26 Some of the patients with a curve in excess of 100° were no longer able to sit because of the pelvic obliquity consequent on the scoliosis ; they were bedridden not because of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy itself but because they had been allowed to develop such extensive spinal curves before referral to an orthopaedic muscle clinic .
27 I was happy to find that in the scholarly ( 237 references in 1991 ) introductory chapter written by the editors most of the territory was familiar .
28 But while he captured the headlines with his anti-Soviet warnings and his proposals for Anglo-American co-operation , it is important to remember that in the short run his call for " a fraternal association " between the Anglo-Saxon powers was poorly received by a majority of Americans .
29 It is also important to recognise that throughout the 1980s , whilst MDC has received access to substantial financial resources , the government has simultaneously squeezed local authority budgets , particularly Liverpool City Council 's ( Liverpool City Council , 1987 ) .
30 Yet it is important to realise that in the last decades of the old régime in France the parlements were often expressing more or less accurately what public opinion there was on the issues at stake , and that they had frequently widespread popular support for their attitudes .
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