Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was sorry to see them striding along the walks at Tunbridge Wells with their arms akimbo , dressed in martial uniform , ’ wrote the authoress Elizabeth Montagu that spring of some fellow members of her sex .
2 ‘ I was sorry to see it go in a way , but on the other hand it 's been laid up for many years and now it 's going to give pleasure to other people .
3 Probably he knew only that Jehana objected to the idea of marrying Artai , and had been told that her family wished to avoid giving offence by rejecting the suit , and so were willing to see her contracted without the preliminary of a courtship .
4 JEWKES is interested to know what happens in the bedroom .
5 In this regard it is interesting to hear him comment in The Favourite Game that ‘ deprivation is the mother of poetry . ’
6 And it tends to be I 'm sad to have to say it , it tends to be a limited number of colleagues who are totally I think , removed from the mainstream of what the majority off us want to see , who are to prepared to withhold their voted in the House of Commons .
7 Miss Pollard — also a TV fashion commentator at events like Royal Ascot — added : ‘ While the Sunday Express has no wish for a dispute with Buckingham Palace we do not believe it would be proper to publish what amounts to a correction . ’
8 It would be in the nature of a test for her : if , as she claimed , she looked after her nephew as her own then she would not query the lack of financial support ; if she asked for it then it would be easier to force her to part with the boy .
9 There were only three episodes of acid gastro-oesophageal reflux without associated oesophageal distention , too few to allow us to comment on the effects of acidification alone .
10 Anyway , his standing in society was far too high to have it blackened by the indiscreet infidelities of a wife bored with her husband 's success .
11 You need far more capital to get you going in a place like Cambridge that you perhaps do in Peterborough where some houses can still be bought for around thirty thousand and that needs to be borne in mind .
12 The illuminated versions can be handy if sited near the keyhole — they will probably give you just enough light to stop you fumbling in the dark with your key .
13 It was held that it was not fair for the plaintiff to rely upon clause 10 to enable him to escape from the consequences of a clear misrepresentation on an important matter which had induced the defendants to exchange contracts even though the representation was not repeated in the contract .
14 ‘ It 'd be heartbreaking to see it turned into a car park . ’
15 Thank you Chairman and Town Clerk and Councillors for attending that meeting because this has been a problem here for so long that I think all of us would be delighted to see it resolved to the er satisfaction of the local residents .
16 Beyond a certain stage it becomes pointless to indicate what went into the landscape of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ .
17 The tree itself is beautiful but the combination of the clay soil and the shade from the tree means its not easy to know what to grow in the west-facing border underneath .
18 I am sure that Opposition Members will be delighted to hear me speak about the free market because they were in some doubt about whether it would be possible for Conservative Members to mention that .
19 It is unforgivable to leave it to wither on the vine .
20 Suitably indignant this week over the pogrom nonsense , he can address the city 's racial tensions with a transparent decency and integrity that did much to get him elected in the first place — and that have served the city well since 1989 .
21 In fact , if glass is prevented from cracking in tension , say by putting it into compression , then it is quite easy to get it to flow like a soft solid ; for instance , glass will behave like putty under the blunt point of a diamond indenter but the shear stresses required to cause flow are well above the normally observed fracture stresses — in common glasses at room temperature usually above 500,000 p.s.i .
22 Just as he said , Farmer Plant 's teenage niece , Harriet , was delighted to have her to help in the stables , and promised to teach her all about the care and feeding of horses as well .
23 They tried to start a conversation , but it was n't easy to make themselves heard above the music and chatter .
24 Crucially , they found it almost impossible to make them work for a wage .
25 When world oil prices plunged in the 1980s , their leaders did little to help them adjust to the inevitable decline in living standards .
26 His tone sounded genuine , but Loretta was quick to spot what looked like an inconsistency .
27 Kurt is showing me his glasses which , along with his new hairstyle , are supposed to enable him to walk down the street unrecognised .
28 Anybody scheduling an experiment was likely to find himself faced with a lawsuit if he did n't make the environmental impact statement that was required under the National Environmental Policy Act .
29 It 's not unusual to find them basking on the slopes of the teeing areas .
30 It is hard to imagine him coming at a better time as we plan to make our first Diocesan Assembly the centrepiece of his visit , on Saturday 10th June .
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