Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some may see it as a chance for Mr Major to show how Britain can use the EC to promote its own policies from within .
2 Tacitus tells us that this incursion was into the territory of Rome 's allies , and this could place it in the lower Severn , where Caratacus could have linked up with the other group of dissidents in the south-west still smarting from the operations of Vespasian , who with his sea-borne mobility swept right along the south coast , taking the Britons by surprise .
3 The group is negotiating the sale of its remaining consultancy businesses and says this will leave it with a strong and focused base in advertising and marketing services .
4 The group is negotiating the sale of its remaining consultancy businesses and says this will leave it with a strong and focused base in advertising and marketing services .
5 ‘ If there is a particularly nasty piece of business to be got out of the way , a quick dose of this will bring it to a head quickly .
6 If members allowances are a hundred and eighty thousand this year which is somewhere around there , Mr may correct me but I think I 'm not too far out , we 've already upped those this year to a hundred and eighty- nine , so next year there 'll be a hundred and seventy-one and the thirteen thousand cost of this will reduce it to a hundred and fifty-eight I actually do n't think that is possible , we ca n't afford it within the terms of of the present set up , unless someone 's going to dramatically reduce the length and the number of meetings in this council , which I think is highly unlikely , I think we 've got to set a good example to our employees , I think that this would give completely the wrong message .
7 It figures the momentum of applications coming on-line will push it over the hump at the end of June , the end of its fiscal year .
8 Some will make it to the market , others just fade away into their particular niche .
9 Sometimes one school will have a set policy and even a policy statement on homework while another will leave it to the individual whim of the teacher .
10 In the middle of the valley he hastily dismantled his collection of rubbish for fear that the eight twelves might mistake it for a weapon .
11 Whilst there is no doubt that many will preceive it as a major disadvantage to the Association , there will be those who think it is a step back into the past .
12 MANY will take it as a further surrender to Common Market bureaucracy that an inspectorate will soon be established to regulate the smell of farm manure .
13 I ai n't got ten shillings , and if I did have I 'd give it to the kids .
14 A technical malfunction , perhaps , that would place it on a collision course ? ’
15 That would make it off the root directory .
16 Once an agreement has been registered in the register of restrictive agreements ( which is open to public inspection ) , the Director General may refer it to the Restrictive Practices Court for a decision on whether the restrictions it contains are contrary to the public interest .
17 We could n't get the centenary of the Origin of Species into our programme — that was nineteen fifty nine and we had n't started then — but I did persuade tonight 's speaker to deliver one of our early centenary lectures on the subject of Darwin 's subsequent book , that is the book on the Descent of Man , which appeared in eighteen seventy one , and I am sure that those of you who were there on that occasion in December eighteen seventy one will remember it as a stimulating and
18 That will put it on a more commercial footing and help to maintain its professional independence .
19 What I think the danger is there , from a Conservative political perspective , is that having , having , Liberals having with us if you like , got the principle through , Liberals may then go with the Labour party and say right we 've got the principle through , we 've identified four homes , let's have a refurbishment programme , a bit of airport money here , a bit of slippage there and we 'll get this through and then we 'll tackle the problem of closures and if closures is proving difficult let's ignore it for a year , let's do these four and let's go on .
20 From September 1974 the Diploma would become a BA with Honours , and students on existing courses or with a DipAD awarded between 1966 and 1974 could convert it to a BA if they wished .
21 He will touch everyone on the raw ’ — while the young would receive it as an account of what they were up to .
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