Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some of this Katherine gleaned dimly from the set of house rules she read through three times in a room distinguished only by orderly barrenness .
2 At a press conference held on April 30 Lee acknowledged officially for the first time the existence of a CCP-led government in Beijing .
3 Langford and Williams ' work with renowned listed pubs since 1987 puts the company in a favourable light with conservation societies such as The Victorian Society , SPAB , and the Georgian Group ; we have even been known to win a few CAMRA awards yet at the same time the firm has also brazenly converted redundant pubs to café-bar concepts .
4 See the likes of old Cassie talking there about the the She was saying that pe people survived of of that .
5 There is much talk of cutting back management costs ; the redesign team hopes to simplify the station 's ghastly management structure , which has different contractors working with different NASA centres all over the place .
6 Therefore there is a further Doppler shift upwards in the bat 's perception of the pitch of the echo .
7 Historic Scotland works closely with the Scottish Tourist Board , area tourist boards , the National Trust for Scotland and other organisations towards the achievement of a common aim — maximising Scotland 's tourism potential .
8 Over 400 rich Middle Eastern and European buyers packed into Paris 's Maison de la Chimie on 7 March to compete hard for the art collection of Syrian multi-millionaire Mowaffik Midani .
9 In the records of the first Protectorate Parliament of 1654 Erle appears only on the committee of privileges , presumably because he refused to sign the Recognition , and he was not re-elected in 1656 , although approved at a preliminary gentry meeting .
10 Early in 1826 Hoyle wrote again to the Goldsmiths about the School , " setting forth the scantiness of its yearly funds and alluding to various repairs and expenses which have been occasionally borne at his charges , amounting to about £130 , and … the Wardens are satisfied that a very considerable increase has taken place in the Rents of the estates left for the Endowment of the School , affording means to the Company for extending the benefits of the institution " .
11 It is extremely important that all the factions — not just the clans but the sub-clans — in northern , southern and central Somalia come together under the United Nations plan for the ceasefire .
12 In December 1932 Nizan referred unequivocally to the " new life " and " new culture " to be instigated by the proletariat in post-revolutionary society , and to the " heroic social project being undertaken in the USSR " .
13 Bunny had taken the precaution of holding separate flying- and lighting-rehearsals on the Friday , with the result that the delays were structural rather than technical — the deck of the Jolly Roger swayed alarmingly during the fight between the pirates and the Lost Boys , and the ticking of the crocodile was found to be inaudible beyond the first three rows of the stalls .
14 The light was almost gone when the white Mercedes came slowly along the road and turned into the open gate under the yew tree .
15 Perhaps the last three Sonatas verge more on the side of a string quintet , after all they were roughly contemporaneous with the great C major String Quintet ?
16 After the Restoration of Charles II Mabbott petitioned successfully for the lucrative office of manager for licences of wine and strong waters in Ireland for himself and his eldest surviving son , Kympton , then aged seven , letters patent being granted in January 1661 .
17 The Eastern Daily Press together with the Eastern Arts Board also gave money for a competition that hoped to find new art critics .
18 During the Turkish occupation , many Serbs migrated northwards across the Danube into the area now known as Vojvodina .
19 Yet it was US business , together with its partner in decline , the United Kingdom , which of all the major ACCs gained least from the boom in trade ( figure 10.3 and table 10.4 ) .
20 Coton had made a brilliant save from Speed , again demonstrating his great versatility at right-back , to preserve that advantage and the City goalkeeper , voted No 1 in the League by his fellow professionals , went on to make other important stops from Fairclough and Wallace to thwart a predictable Leeds rally early in the second half .
21 The clean-living Clint waited hungrily for the next lift down to crack eggs-over-easy .
22 Is that a miniature Stonehenge hovering symbolically over the stage ?
23 The Guernsey 's horns today are more commonly like those of the Isigny but perhaps the smaller Alderney owed little to the Isigny and more to the Léon .
24 I wonder if it will catch on here , and fantasise about enormous Khat raves all over the country : ‘ Mastication — featuring DJ Chewing Tunes and MC Yorker , 100K lasers , 60K sound system , gyroscopes , brain machines , Yemeni massage and solid silver spittoons . ’
25 It is the purpose of this research project to investigate the mechanisms of the decision-making process underpinning the migration of households into that part of rural Britain lying immediately beyond the South East Regional Planning Region ( SERPLAN ) , which , according to all recent population censuses and estimates , is a belt of sustained and substantial population growth .
26 Although mean TSF increased significantly in the PEN group , this improvement is likely to be clinically irrelevant as no differences were found in the number of patients with abnormal TSF values before and after the trial .
27 Polybius analysed that part of the Roman government which had superficial similarities with a Greek league , but never asked himself how central and southern Italy worked together with the Roman authorities .
28 At a banquet in Beijing on Oct. 23 Akihito referred obliquely to the Sino-Japanese War as " an unfortunate period in which my country inflicted great sufferings on the people of China " .
29 The use of jadeite amulets for renal complaints in seventeenth-century England stemmed ultimately from the Aztecs , whose use of the material for this purpose aroused the interest of their Spanish conquerors and , as we have seen , gave rise to the word jade .
30 As big Mary pulled heartily at the pleated rope of the bell , a loud murmur of voices and footsteps sounded along the road west .
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