Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] as [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I feel this profoundly as I wander about the empty railway station , where I have no business of any kind .
2 Emily seemed to sense this too as she gazed at the uppermost branches .
3 It was quite dark now as they bounced along the rough road .
4 On the other hand , neither did the faithful military figure so much here as it did in the political activities of the Smolensk party organization .
5 Perhaps he do n't moan as much there as he does at home !
6 ‘ Modern Greek , ’ she said , only a little breathlessly as she scrambled to her knees and began a series of back stretches .
7 Tony Atkinson , 16 , was knocked unconscious yesterday as he walked to school in Norris Green , Liverpool .
8 ENGLAND midfielder Paul Gascoigne 's return to form continued yesterday as he scored in his second successive game for Lazio .
9 Mr Major remained buoyant yesterday as he campaigned in Cambridgeshire , insisting that the Tories were on course for victory .
10 But for the caring and hard work of the Pet Rescue Fund Committee many animals would not be alive and well today as they deserve to be .
11 Both were young men on their way to work , and both said they were very frequently stopped by police at about 5 am as they went to work .
12 It struck ten o'clock as she walked into St-Jean .
13 Forenames should be printed in full exactly as they appear on your birth certificate and/or passport ;
14 The clock keeps going as usual even as you go through the boundary .
15 Problems of access and transport remained until the 1750s much as they had for centuries , the roads miry and troublesome in winter , the tidal river valleys well-nigh impassable .
16 The purpose of the vast megalithic constructions , for example , remains almost as mysterious now as it did in the nineteenth century .
17 Benjamin Titford , we must say , was not quite as elevated socially as he appears to be in his water-colour portrait ; or rather , he had only recently become so — which was good enough , after all , for any Victorian member of the nouveaux-riches .
18 I am always amused by the idea that outsiders have of Whitehall as being slow-moving ; we are like a snake , whose coils seem to be lying motionless even as they flow past your eyes and are gone .
19 And I have to confess that I found you as delightful then as I had in Wexford , and was intending to find out where you were going , and pursue the acquaintanceship .
20 Streets looked familiar , then grew strange again as she walked down them .
21 Surely if that tense moment had affected him at all he would not sound so cool and distant now as he reached for Chalon 's reins .
22 Oliver was close behind as she ran towards the pedlar , then cut off to the side .
23 Our waterproof walking boots were really necessary here as we balanced on rocks to cross the gushing stream .
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