Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] to the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 was due wholly to the negligence or wrongful act of a government or other authority in exercising its function of maintaining lights or other navigational aids .
2 H how would you balance that out back to the date that you 're talking about ?
3 In other words communism under freedom is possible only to the extent that people are motivated by non-economic rewards .
4 ‘ I can be free only to the extent that others are forbidden to profit from their physical , economic , or other superiority to the detriment of my liberty . ’
5 This has been very harmful both to the industry and to the national interest .
6 The dangers of leaving this solely to the market and enthusiast interests are obvious and potentially serious , to the extent that availability is most likely to guide research effort and energy .
7 The problem is compounded where the codes in contact themselves are not only similar but have diffuse norms , so that the boundary between them is not always clear either to the linguist or to community members .
8 James besieged the Ulster city of Derry , but its 35,000 Protestant inhabitants successfully defended it , due largely to the leadership and example of the ‘ Apprentice Boys ’ .
9 The positivists ' emphasis on observable ‘ facts ’ is due largely to the belief that human behaviour can be explained in much the same way as the behaviour of matter .
10 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
11 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
12 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
13 This is due largely to the fact that doctors were able to organize themselves into a professional group before the state intervened in medicine and became a major employer of medical practitioners .
14 It is in imminent danger of dying out from its last remaining stronghold — Redgrave and South Lopham Fen in Suffolk — due largely to the fact that a nearby borehole drilled by the Suffolk Water Company is drying out the ground .
15 Sometimes a most carefully planned game structure is ineffective because it is not for some reason appropriate either to the material or to the particular class .
16 Consequently , a person holding property ( as a result , of course , of receiving a benefit by way of succession to the deceased ) could find himself a trustee for another on account of words addressed by the deceased either to the beneficiary or another person .
17 Rent which continues to be payable either to the Policyholder or by the Policyholder while the Policyholder 's home is uninhabitable as a result of destruction or damage caused by an insured peril .
18 In all cases , remember that the information you find is interesting or valuable only to the extent that you can put it to relevant use in your essay ; facts do not come with fixed , off-the-peg significance .
19 It was obvious now to the World that America 's involvement had driven Kennedy into supporting a corrupt , totalitarian government because the US felt that stopping Communism was more important than setting up a democratic government in South Vietnam .
20 This is due probably to the fact that people suffering from aphasia are more likely to come to the attention of a neurologist than individuals suffering from certain kinds of right hemisphere damage which may pass unnoticed by the individual himself such that he does not seek medical attention or is not referred for neurological investigation .
21 Far from winning concessions , however , they will find what they are doing is abhorrent both to the Protestant and Catholic communities .
22 Due partly to the propagation and acceptance of various theories of development , ( e.g. Coale & Hoover 1958 and Ehrlich et al 1973 ) and perhaps to the direct pragmatic experience of government , states have seen fit to try and persuade , induce or coerce the people to undertake new patterns of reproduction or agricultural practice .
23 This was undoubtedly due partly to the war and partly because the statutes contained criteria which were felt to be less justiciable : if the minister stated that a regulation concerning trademarks was necessary for securing the safety of the realm the court would not adjudicate upon this .
24 Could it be that the success of Microsoft is due partly to the fact that Bill Gates is an avid reader of your newspaper , therefore winning the ‘ severe contest between intelligence , which presses forward , and an unworthy , timid ignorance obstructing our progress ’ ?
25 This may be due partly to the fact that , compared to the University of Wales , the Polytechnic is a relatively new arrival on the higher education scene , and partly because of the Welsh tendency , even more marked than in the rest of the country , to regard technological education as less prestigious than that in pure science and humanities .
26 It should be noted , however , that the sharp rise of the " J " shaped curve at the older childbearing ages is probably due also to the fact that socio-economic considerations and the large family size already achieved by the mid-thirties may influence women in the older reproductive ages to resort to induced abortions .
27 ‘ Certain highly technical factors , intelligible only to the expert and with which I will not take up the time of this inquest , have led me to conclude that Subject A had been dead for more than nine years and less than twelve .
28 These duties were also listed by the assistants as the ones which they felt were most helpful both to the child and the teacher and were also the ones which they enjoyed most and felt most competent in completing .
29 As late as the 1760s the ideal government , in the eyes not merely of George III but of the great majority of his subjects , was one consisting of a number of heads of departments , each performing his task efficiently and responsible only to the king and Parliament .
30 Those interested in arresting the shelving of direct ministerial responsibility for these sites should write to their MPs , asking why it was , in 1883 , that the inspector was responsible directly to the minister whilst , in 1983 , there will be no inspectors as such and those responsible will be reporting to a quango .
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