Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 And that all if you put this together with the documents that we know , it suggests that there was a twelfth century church here which was demolished and then rebuilt in the fifteenth century .
2 Erm , Local Government and Local Council work is often seen as being very drab and indeed we all know that it 's becoming probably less exciting nowadays with the constraints that there are and what Councils still require er in abundance are characters , people who bring a bit of excitement to Council affairs w i at whatever level and I think that one thing that has is character , sadly missing in so many younger politicians I must say .
3 And it is very difficult to influence children e , who are starting at the age of ten to fifteen with threats of lung cancer at the age group between fifty and sixty regardless of the horrors that you can describe to them .
4 This is logical also on the grounds that the remedies were proved as the single remedy and not as mixtures , and mixtures of remedies may have effects which are different from those of their component parts .
5 Well , as usual it 's all there in the papers that Mr has prepared for us if anybody cares to read them , and you will notice , the national non-domestic rate , the business rate as it 's known , the contribution that the government are passing on from the business rates paid in Wiltshire , back to the people of Wiltshire is dropping by seven point nine million pounds , it 's being cut from a hundred and eighteen point six to a hundred and nine point three million pounds , and again this is pound for pound .
6 Er but as I say if , if we can do it on a personalized basis er personalized geographic basis , it gives it more identity er then what , what you produced certainly i is halfway there to the issues that Steve mentioned earlier on .
7 One , one of the most common question of the last weeks are we yes last weeks Sunday visiting that I was involved with in my ward was from people who were perturbed , not about means testing because that is not the word that it was about , but about something that is on the same kind of sphere and that was about whether erm East Gates which decided to be their own managers would also be able to their own tenants and keep the ones that were less suitable away from the ones that knew that they were suitable .
8 This is true even within the statuses that we have chosen to define by means of entailment .
9 While the delay to the start of the flying programme has been much longer than anyone would wish , much more progress has been made in the ground and rig testing than at the comparable stage of any previous project I have been associated with and we are very satisfied indeed with the results that have been obtained so far .
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