Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] would [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this I would admit to a personal bias toward flexibility and a lateral approach .
2 Otherwise I was afraid I would fall into the old trap of pitying him .
3 But , if a test on a chimpanzee would save my child 's life I 'm afraid I 'd go for the test on the chimpanzee .
4 After this she would return to the far wall and wait for the papers to be put back into place , so she could repeat the game .
5 I was afraid you 'd get to the slope too soon .
6 Thank God , that was the last time he would have to do it ; after this he would go as an executive , by aircraft and helicopter only .
7 If a man had been repeatedly unsuccessful he would go to the river , dive to the bottom and bring up a lump of clay with which he would mark his forehead , taking care to be unobserved , otherwise the spell lost its efficacy .
8 When this was unsuccessful it would look around the cage where there was a long stick and suddenly it would decide to use it to rake in the fruit .
9 Through these she would fall into the muddy embrace , dirty with droppings , of the chicken coop below .
10 The ground was soft there and if they were lucky they would land on the pile of hay he kept for his horse .
11 Similar difficulties can occur if the former matrimonial home was in the names of husband and wife as beneficial joint tenants , for on the death of either it would appear to a purchaser that the survivor had the right to sell ( Law of Property ( Joint Tenants ) Act 1964 , s1(1) ) .
12 Much has already been said in the preceding pages about the subsequent progress through the learned hierarchy of the student who chose to become a muderris : with ability , luck , good connections or a combination of the three he would teach through a number of grades of medreses , eventually to turn to the mevleviyet kadiliks through which he might hope to rise ultimately to what had become by the end of the sixteenth century the principal office in the hierarchy , the Muftilik of Istanbul .
13 These he would produce with a flourish during our Wednesday- and Sunday-evening sessions .
14 Rather than somebody as I say like me who sat down there and he 'd just quote all these figures and you would n't know what the hell he was on about and just , all you , all I would understand at the end is that 's what you got ta pay .
15 Oh it 's no been too bad at all I would say since the first of the new year it seems to be improved remarkably .
16 It would destroy jobs , er all I would say to the honourable gentleman is that he will have noticed that the Chancellor of the Exchequer er used one of the announcements in his budget statement on the thirtieth of November last year er to announce that we shall be introducing a modern apprenticeship scheme .
17 well but the important thing is she 's engaged to be married I would reckon by the time she 's about twenty-six she 'll be looking for time out to have a family but by that time hopefully she 's and when she 's thirty-two or thirty-three can come back into the business and say I 've got a and the door opens that much more easily
18 By now my courage had failed and I had to be helped up the steep , wooden steps , the executioner 's assistants whispering that if I made a good show they would make sure I would choke for no more than ten minutes .
19 Surely , she mused , it had n't been raining long enough for the water levels to rise that far , and even though the middle of the week had proved consistently wet she felt confident she would arrive at the cottage long before the possibility became a reality .
20 Well it 's a training needs analysis Jayne , so that everybody , you would say , first of all you would look at the job of a careers officer , and say , Right what competencies do they need to use that job .
21 The lasers are extraordinary , the sound system all you 'd expect from a custom-built club , and guest DJs travel in from across Europe — in one week last month , Brit visitors included Trevor Fung , Paul Oakenfold , Mrs Woods , Fat Tony and Danny Rampling .
22 At the beginning of October 1983 I announced that out of a total staff of 817,633 we would ask for a reduction of 4,837 , which would save about £40 million .
23 ‘ At first , I was n't at all sure they 'd work in the cottage .
24 We then sprayed them with water for our picture and the instant transformation showed just how very good they 'd look in the right setting .
25 Cos they used t what they used to do in the small boat , they used to coil so much in the then they 'd row to the quay and then the they 'd run ashore hid past the line and pull a river and put the bollard for 'em and then cos they 'd turn round they might give us a quid for a drink you see
26 Q My hair is very fine and lank and I 'm sure it would benefit from a perm but I 'm worried that it will break .
27 If you were to talk to him , I 'm sure he would listen to a fine man like yourself .
28 I 'm sure he 'd agree to a later date if — ’
29 Tucked away in a small street off London 's Spitalfields Market is a house that is not all it would seem from the outside .
30 ( I wish she would , but fat lot of good it would do to a gilgul . )
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