Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 quite a few we can write at the bottom er for more inf if you have any more information or something in small print
2 I do not wish to know how to bring up my children , what view to have about drug addicts , how much Shakespeare should be taught in comprehensive schools or how much I must marvel at the achievements of members of the Commonwealth countries .
3 Against that , many of the pile-'em-high-and-sell-'em-cheap stores that took advantage of falling property prices to expand in Britain are convinced they can grow at the expense of existing supermarket chains even when good times return .
4 In order to ascertain whether or not a particular trust is or is not charitable you must look at the preamble to the statute of Elizabeth I , the Charitable Uses Act 1601 and the classification by Lord Macnaghten in Commissioners for the Special Purposes of Income Tax v. Pemsel and the reported cases generally .
5 ( In Section 24.3 we will look at an actual physical system that shows the implications of that statement rather effectively . )
6 Rather than somebody as I say like me who sat down there and he 'd just quote all these figures and you would n't know what the hell he was on about and just , all you , all I would understand at the end is that 's what you got ta pay .
7 All I can say at the moment is not less than about six hours , not more than a couple of days . "
8 Surely , she mused , it had n't been raining long enough for the water levels to rise that far , and even though the middle of the week had proved consistently wet she felt confident she would arrive at the cottage long before the possibility became a reality .
9 Well it 's a training needs analysis Jayne , so that everybody , you would say , first of all you would look at the job of a careers officer , and say , Right what competencies do they need to use that job .
10 It is no sin that all you can feel at the moment is trapped , not by Harry , even though that is what you think , but by your own reaction to him .
11 First of all we must look at the importance of exercise in relation to our health .
12 I think that 's , that 's all we can do at the moment and I take your point Mr , thank you .
13 It 's analysis of the egos as , as we 've been seeing , in analysis was really all , all it could do at the beginning , after the First World War , shall we say .
14 Assume now that the group can not sell all it can make at the normal price of £120 but division B sees that it could win a large order if it were to offer goods at £80 each .
15 In this chapter and in Chapter 6 we shall look at the markets in which these institutions operate .
16 In Chapter 6 we will look at the following related topics :
17 " First you must look at the pictures .
18 Right erm , so page twenty nine you can look at the top , you can see George says , you 're the one , you 're the one that 's going to make all that trouble .
19 ‘ In future , when more resources become available we can look at the question of diabetic specialists again , ’ promised Mrs Fox .
20 First we 'll look at the main bed carriage controls .
21 First we shall look at the theories in their work concerning the evolution of kinship and marriage .
22 First we must look at the situation in Vietnam .
23 Therapist : ‘ What we will do in this first session is an assessment of exactly what 's going on : first we will look at the problems at the moment ; second we will look at background factors such as your family and personal history ; and third we will try to pull it all together and formulate what is going on , and then decide on what the best course of action is .
24 In particular I shall look at the attempts of recent years to unearth other , female ( or feminine ) imagery , present in the scriptures and in the Christian tradition .
25 In section 4.2 we shall look at the economic significance of the group as a whole .
26 In particular it will look at the work experiences of these workers , their occupational backgrounds and skill levels .
27 I do n't claim any great originality or depth , but it is the best I can do at the moment .
28 ‘ It 's the best you can do at the moment .
29 The best we can do at the moment , until the ‘ organic revolution ’ hits the high street , is to eat foods as near as possible to their natural state — not out of tins and packets .
30 Next we shall look at a long solenoid filled with a high-permeability magnetic material as shown in Fig. 3.9 ( p. 73 ) .
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