Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] in [adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Before looking at local economic strategies in more detail we should point out that the decline of consensus politics at the national level does not inevitably lead to an increase in local political activity .
2 It seems that every few decades in this country we have a major battle over divorce law reform .
3 To the old folks in this list I address the following :
4 For you know I often wonder what sort of morality it is that keeps men from anything but superficial intercourse with any woman but their wives : yet I hate adultery & all the intermediate stages ; and what men of free habits in this way I have known , I have detested .
5 Your outline ( see above , Chapter 1 , pp. 22 – 4 and Chapter 3 , pp. 59 – 61 ) will indicate what needs to go into each part of your essay , and enables you to write the different parts in any order you wish .
6 And have there been any specific breakthroughs in organic chemistry you can put your fingers on in recent years ?
7 I have no interest to declare in the construction industry , but during my first 10 years in that industry I worked for John Laing , then I worked for Wimpey for about eight years , and I was the head of the largest direct labour organisation in the country — the Greater London council — for nearly three years .
8 When a concerted and invasive effort has been made to find acid fast rods in sarcoid tissue they seem to be present , and acid fast bacteria without cell walls and tuberculostearic acid have also been isolated from lesions of patients with sarcoidosis .
9 To carry out a proper exploration of these veins in some depth it was necessary to have a drainage adit otherwise there would have been continual hindrance with water .
10 And why there should be such a change these days in that line I , I , I ca n't quite agree with it .
11 In all previous drawings in this section it was a matter of trying to fill a particular hole .
12 If we represent these facts in mathematical form we would say that for the first state ( let us denote it by
13 Despite the inherent difficulties in comparative work it has been argued that an international perspective has always been implicit to some extent in the study of industrial relations .
14 Like many experts in this line he finds his days are taken up by writing and talking about gardening , with precious little time left to get down to the gardening himself .
15 During my 17 years in local government I served as the chairman of the finance committee in Ealing .
16 As a man who spent 17 years in local government I have a sense of shame that yet again there has to be another attempt to reform local government finance , due to the incompetence , extravagance and doctrinaire opposition to competitive tendering of Labour councils .
17 I have no idea how many voters in this constituency I influenced .
18 At many points in this chapter we have noted the problems of trying to define child abuse , identifying the characteristics which separate the high risk from the rest and hence aid prediction , together with the problems of constructing preventive and treatment interventions which concentrate exclusively on child abuse .
19 One actor took so many drugs in quick succession he almost died .
20 Mind you their rate of exchange if if you 'd have bought all pesetas in this country it would have probably been a better rate of exchange for you .
21 It 's like tinned food saying no artificial additives cos you do n't need artificial additives in tinned food they 're trying to make you buy it cos
22 In each of his nine full seasons in English cricket he took at least 100 wickets , three times exceeding the 200 mark .
23 By night for twelve hours in another boat he sailed through the Underworld beneath the earth , bringing his light to the lower darkness .
24 Falls to thirty two degrees centigrade or ninety degrees fahrenheit the following can occur and that 's a big drop , that 's a drop of five degrees in this country we 're very used to rapid temperature changes in our environment in the spring you can have frost in the morning and it can get really quite hot by the afternoon , sometimes up to about seventy ca n't it ?
25 At various points in this book I have referred to such agents — among them nations , dynasties , social classes , elites of diverse kinds , generational , ethnic and cultural groups — and we have now to examine more closely their role in political life and especially the conditions under which one or other of them has a predominant influence .
26 In an imperfect capital market it need not be the same for all firms , and in an economy subject to cyclical fluctuations in economic activity it need not be the same over time .
27 You know ’ he added thoughtfully ‘ if she 's keeping any secrets in that place she 's not trying very hard with a back-door lock like that .
28 It may be premature to assign the Newton St. Loe mosaic to such a school : indeed , given the vagueries of stylistic relationships in this region it might be rash .
29 Because the verbs ( steps ) are the vital links in any enchaînement they must be performed in a manner suitable to the context and the music .
30 However , for certain groups in that population it is much more common .
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