Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] for the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The offence is in outline very similar to the pre-existing offence under the Public Order Act 1936 , section 5A , although it adds ‘ behaviour ’ to the list of proscribed activities for the first time .
2 That was the cost of borrowing £5,000 over 180 months for the first year ; after that it was £100.77 a month .
3 Although there was no official statement concerning the content of the agenda , it was widely believed that the two sides would begin detailed discussions for the first time since the negotiations began in July 1990 .
4 Large areas of western Scotland , mid- and North Wales and the upland zones of the North and South West of England have exhibited population gains , in some cases for the first time in over a century .
5 In the event of trouble , many of the non-union operators now would have easier access — in some cases for the first time — to the political system and its protective police arm .
6 Along with the island 's hydro-electric scheme — bringing power to some houses for the first time — and the harbour improvements , the incident will probably go down in Shetland annals as another stage in Foula 's modernisation .
7 They were driving into the city now , and she looked around her , seeing it with different eyes for the first time , seeing it as a garrulous old lady with so much to tell to anyone willing to listen .
8 The Norwegian whaling fleet has already set sail to study stock sizes and to establish how many fish minke whales eat , and in May will begin commercial catches for the first time since 1987 .
9 And the Protestants ' only hope of redressing the imbalance of power created by the French lay in turning to the English , even though they well knew that protestations of Anglo-Scottish friendship and desire for union in no way wiped out the instinctive hostility between Scots and English which ran so deep that half a century later it would still cause grievous problems for the first king of Britain .
10 A few suggestions for the first line :
11 So when [ named defendant ] , 41 , made sexual overtures for the first time during their five-year friendship she went to a neighbour and cried rape .
12 TONIGHT David Hockney , as set designer , will be accompanied by some 30 friends for the first night of the Royal Opera House 's new production of Richard Strauss 's Die Frau ohne Schatten ( The Woman Without Shadow ) , directed by John Cox and conducted by Bernard Haitinck .
13 The thrill of crossing the Knucklas viaduct with its castellated ends , some members for the first time .
14 She talked with him for nearly ten minutes , and as the officers drew her away , Walford snatched her hand and kissed it , ‘ some tears for the first time rolling down his cheeks ’ .
15 After both B and C Company put in similar performances the Cup was firmly in British hands for the first time .
16 On April 25 , 1990 , the three Western allies announced that they had agreed to allow West Berliners to vote in West German elections for the first time since 1949 ( hitherto the West Berlin city legislature had sent 22 non-voting delegates to the Bundestag and had similar status within the Bundesrat ) .
17 A small company , perhaps exploring foreign markets for the first time , will have requirements different from those of larger institutions which may already be tried and tested in the international arena .
18 The recruitment of colonial troops , mainly by the French who hoped by this means to offset the demographic superiority of the Germans ( a subject anxiously discussed in the 1860s ) , brought some others for the first time into a European environment .
19 Afterwards to wear clerical clothes for the first time , and instantly to be expected to be a confidant or soul 's friend , was to many ordinands the more heartfelt turning-point .
20 French short-term interest rates fell below German ones for the first time since 1991 .
21 The bibliographer Lowndes , over a hundred years ago , categorically listed eight different title-pages for the first edition of Milton 's Paradise Lost , pointing out such differences as large or small italic capitals for the poet 's name ; in one case the use of his initials only-groups of stars between words , or none ; with or without fleur-de-lis ornaments , etc .
22 It 's task is to run the clearing house for monetary transactions being wired in and out of the country , and will provide on-line facilities for the first time , as well as better monitoring and tracking facilities .
23 Often , however , an attack of non-specific urethritis can be followed by months , if not years , of needless worry and anxiety , simply because , following the mind 's focusing on the genitalia , the patient has noticed certain characteristics of his sexual organs for the first time , and normality has become abnormality .
24 THE receiver handling the sale of Birmingham City has had 22 inquiries for the First Division club after it was formally put up for sale earlier this week .
25 Inspections were carried out by outside groups for the first time , and changes , such as putting windows into dark cells , took place .
26 Firstly , the proportion of teachers who , having successfully completed the first year , stay on into the second in order to obtain the Certificate in Education ( FE ) is proving to be extremely high : for example , of the 1,128 candidates for the first year courses being offered in 1979–80 , no fewer than 1,024 moved into their second year in 1980–1 .
27 Dromore jockey John Reid who is having his best ever season was in a suitably bullish mood when I spoke to him about the remainder of the 1993 Flat racing year which has seen him head inexorably towards 100 winners for the first time in his career .
28 Network Computing Devices Inc pretty much has the dedicated X-terminal business sewn up , and the Mountain View , California company is now moving in on the personal computer X Window System emulation business with launch of PC-Xware , a single software package that it claims provides full X terminal functionality on personal computers for the first time .
29 Network Computing Devices Inc has the dedicated X-terminal business pretty much sewn up , and the Mountain View , California company is now moving in on the personal computer X Window System emulation business dominated by the likes of Canadian outfit Hummingbird Communications Ltd and UK firm XVision Ltd , with launch of PC-Xware , a single software package that it claims provides full X terminal functionality on personal computers for the first time .
30 The ironical and fundamental point is that during these post-war years , when international demand for tropical commodities for the first time since 1921 really justified vast investments in the Colonies ; when the Colonies had a huge back-log of demand for essential equipment ; when at last the British government was equipped with power to give or lend considerable sums to top up what the Colonies could afford to invest from their own accumulating surplus ; and when .
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