Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] who [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 There was also a great deal of indignation among ordinary British citizens who discovered for the first time after the massacre in Timişoara that Romania was ruled by a brutal tyrant who enjoyed the privileges of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath .
2 He was one of 100 youngsters who auditioned for the role of a boy who remains on stage all through , being told the story in flashback .
3 A rally in Moscow on the evening of March 17 attracted about 70,000 demonstrators who called for the restoration of the Soviet Union .
4 Black men and white men who care for the country , and for their children 's future , are working at it .
5 ‘ I still have some very good friends who play for the club and although their record speaks for itself , it 's all to play for . ’
6 John Tangney contracted all Pilgrims who booked for the ‘ 92 Pilgrimage , by letter , inviting them to join the Diocese on Pilgrimage in 1993 .
7 John Tangney contacted all Pilgrims who booked for the ‘ 92 pilgrimage , by letter , inviting them to join the Diocese on Pilgrimage in ‘ 93 .
8 It is symbolic that a Babylonian text records a payment of oil to Jehoiakin , the son of the king of Judah , and to seven Greek carpenters who worked for the Babylonian court ( Ancient Near Eastern Texts , 2 ed. , p. 308 ) .
9 Is my hon. Friend aware that despite the success of local management of schools , staff are still very worried that experienced older teachers who qualify for the higher salary scales will be discarded in favour of less experienced younger staff ?
10 MORE THAN 10,000 women who work for the Regional Council have received a cervical smear test since 1988 , and the Women 's Unit has played a major part in that achievement .
11 The loyalist leaders who pressed for the release of the arrested officers were handicapped by a coolness just then among the public at the name Rathcoole .
12 The demonstrators want Britain to apologize for the executions of nine men who fought for the island 's independence in the fifties .
13 The Defense Department employs nearly 80 per cent of the civilian and military personnel who work for the federal government and , in 1978 , was paying over 5 million incomes to military personnel and civilian employees past and present .
14 The results represented a success for the Moderates and for two parties who exceeded for the first time the statutory 4 per cent threshold for parliamentary representation — the Christian Democrats ( whose only previous representation had been in 1985-88 when one of the Centre party 's seats was allocated to Christian Democrat in an electoral pact ) , and the New Democracy Party .
15 The building was sanctioned by Oldrado da Tresseno in his capacity as the city governor , and the city 's chief magistrate sat in the huge room on the first floor flanked by two judges who adjudicated for the civil and criminal trials .
16 THE million Britons who head for the sunshine state of Florida each year are being offered a far more dangerous illusion than any of the rides Disney World has to offer .
17 These Diploma holders , together with a further four members who qualified for the FSD under the Lombard Scheme , bring the total number of FSD holders to 387 worldwide .
18 This appears to be because institutional shareholders who account for the great majority of shareholdings on The Stock Exchange see themselves as managing a portfolio for which they buy and sell .
19 Most burghers who voted for the right did so to express uncertainty and fear about the looming costs of unification .
20 Of the 121 members who voted for the opposition amendment the very great majority — indeed , a majority of the total Labour Party in the House were Labour members .
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