Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] so [that] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the number of bonds , n is large , the angle θ will vary over all possible values so that the sum of all these terms will be zero , and as equation(10.3) will reduce
2 You should take with you to the Bank your birth certificates and I suggest that you take some photocopies so that the Bank can forward these to the insurance company with your proposal form so that your ages can be admitted without further delay .
3 We had the Astounding Reg Atkins who can juggle 12 empty bottles and then toss them accurately into a bottle bank from a distance of 30 feet so that the green , brown and clear bottles go into the correct holes .
4 The last three archdeacons had had sizeable families so that the Vicarage , though impractical to run , had at least been filled .
5 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
6 Both are fitted with two constant velocity universal joints so that the power can be transmitted to the wheels no matter what the angle of the suspension or the steering .
7 In France the same ingredients of spectacle , song , dance , and instrumental music were likewise compounded under the influence of a humanist ‘ academy ’ , Bälf 's , but in different proportions so that the result was not opera but ballet de cour .
8 In 1978 Allan concluded her survey of such research by writing : As a result different research came up with different findings so that the policy maker and practitioner ended up with long lists of poorly defined and sometimes contradictory characteristics .
9 She knew how important it was for him to be in a good army , and if the war had ended in Rhodesia , then perhaps another might start in one of France 's old colonies so that the Legion could get involved .
10 ‘ Singapore is not competing with these countries but promoting all ASEAN countries so that the region as a whole can offer the full range of resources and become a global economic power , ’ said Mr Lee .
11 There are also some more advanced functions so that the user can achieve special effects , such as the ability to fill text with patterns , shadow , invert , outline and so on , plus a further font list .
12 These algorithms are most suited to tasks with small branching ratios and reversible operators , and with simple states so that the algorithm can remember several states at a time .
13 This should be borne in mind while reading the following descriptions so that the medium does not become confused with the aims .
14 He intervened rarely , but always decisively , to ensure joint commissions so that the minority ( mostly from the curia ) would be able to accept the Council 's verdict without being humiliated .
15 We have the problem of defining and keeping er established limits so that the pursuit of a non-security objective does not lead you in to directly erm having to er fight a security war or a total war .
16 However , the Revenue limited their actual claims to fixed proportions so that the total of the overseas income was not taxed more than once .
17 ‘ It would be better to ask young people to show what they could do against explicit criteria so that the challenge would be between the person and the task , not between individuals , with one person 's success being another 's failure , ’ the report says .
18 On the other hand a heart attack occurs when there is a sudden and severe blockage in one of the coronary arteries so that the blood supply to part of the heart is actually cut off .
19 The Bank of New England sale was itself restructured three times so that the letter of the law was not broken .
20 There are behind-the-scenes flurries as the sheet-covered frock is brought out of storage — by ladies dressed in white coats and white gloves so that the masterpiece is n't stained — and the model changes to give us another twirl .
21 For example , Carson ( 1971 , p. 167 ) argued that an approach more firmly based in mechanics would lead to a more integrated understanding of geomorphological processes so that the student would be more impressed by unity rather than alarmed by superficial diversity .
22 The phenomena of overload and pressure constitute , for many teachers , just such a breach of some basic injunctions so that the situation of working under heavy demands itself leads , via the activation of these injunctions , to an assault on self-esteem .
23 It tends to medicalise and individualise social and economic problems so that the stress of the effects of poor housing , for example , is treated as an individual depressive illness — to be treated with psychotropic drugs .
24 Finally , it might conclude that there was authority to modify common law and equitable rules so that the rule modified the fiduciary duty with which it conflicted .
25 A laborious internal review of the Long-Term Costing is undertaken to whittle down the gap , and to highlight vulnerable programmes so that the Secretary of State can be given the strongest possible brief to help him fight for a higher allocation of resources ; and conversely to enable him to fend off attacks by other high-spending ministers , who are intent on grabbing a larger share for themselves , often at the expense of Defence .
26 Monitor pattern of sleep and try to provide undisturbed periods so that the patient can rest .
27 Obviously such choices are political decisions , which will involve social as well as economic considerations , but it is first necessary to establish the nature of the trade-offs between macroeconomic objectives so that the policy-maker is well aware of the sacrifices involved .
28 Much of Joe 's business involves supplying second-hand weapons or unmarked arms so that the manufacturing country is untraceable .
29 Make notes and ‘ read back ’ key points so that the caller knows you are being attentive .
30 Master Peter was a papal subdeacon and notary and had access to the papal registers so that the pope felt confident that the collection might be used , as he put it , " without any scruple of doubt " .
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