Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] have [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 True , local business is not entirely absent but on the whole , foreign operators have been the first to benefit .
2 The effect of Christian Democrat hegemony for four and a half decades has been the perpetual incumbency of a small circle of politicians .
3 The last few days have been the worst of my life so far .
4 By contrast , what has characterized the concept of social representations has been the intellectual ambitions of its adherents .
5 The crawling and wriggling carcasses had been the innocent victims of the chaos taking possession of their world .
6 The main producing areas have been the Northern ( Dunham , 1948 and Dunham and Wilson , 1985 ) and Southern ( Ford , 1976 ) Pennine orefields , North Wales ( Earp , 1958 ) and the Mendips ( Green , 1958 ; Ford , 1976 ) .
7 At several sites , the last six months have been the driest for over a century .
8 A sub-theme of many such articles has been the supposed toughness of the British government 's proposals or policies compared with alleged sloppiness or ineffectiveness elsewhere in Europe .
9 One of its outstanding early proponents had been the French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes ( 1596–1650 ) .
10 Joint ventures have been the main means by which about a tenth of Hungarian state companies have been touched by privatisation .
11 If its percentage of second votes had been the same as the overall percentage of the constituency votes it then received , it would in 1983 have been guaranteed 165 seats instead of the 23 it actually won , and 147 instead of 22 in 1987 .
12 Moggach 's last three books have been the social dramas Stolen and To Have and To Hold ( adapted from her own television scripts ) , and the thriller The Stand-In .
13 The most important , at least numerically , of these jurisdictions has been the unfair dismissal jurisdiction , but other employment disputes within their jurisdiction include discrimination and equal pay claims , redundancy payments claims and claims concerning particulars of contracts of employment .
14 Current trading is erm current trading is improving and I would say that er that the last three weeks have been the strongest weeks this year .
15 Unfortunately , as some might say , the main objective of most of these excavations has been the military sites , and it is only in comparatively recent years that the civil site has gained its just recognition .
16 A further motive for rethinking organisational structures has been the growing awareness of potential conflict of interest .
17 An important side-effect of both these objectives has been the significant increase in the numbers caught in the dependency culture of means-tested assistance .
18 One aspect of these developments has been the increased mechanization of farm work .
19 Set against these anti-Marketeers have been the Labour Euro-enthusiasts .
20 Indeed , the only non-interventionist element in all these proceedings has been the Scottish Secretary 's refusal to intervene to protect the rights of the people of these communities who must have the right , if it is their wish , to have a bridge built as an integral part in the overall development of an infrastructure serving the needs of the area .
21 Underlying these trends has been the increasing importance of the state in the management of the economy .
22 It is quite a normal procedure , and for two mothers who had quite easy births , having these stitches had been the worst thing about it .
23 Under the previous rules fourteen hours had been the maximum shift allowed .
24 Recipients of many conifers have been the National Parks which now find themselves under serious threat from developers instead of trees .
25 Swedish investors have been the biggest spenders , splashing out some DM5 billion last year on German property .
26 Flat batteries have been the only problem .
27 For too long women have been the hidden gender in rock , all too often fixed in the position of worshippers at the phallic shrine , bewitched by their own male idols .
28 One of the major features of the growth of our education system over the last thirty-five years has been the enormous increase in provision of higher education .
29 The marriage which he contemplated for Matilda was with one of the most powerful of the new barons of the Conqueror , Count Alan Rufus , lord of Richmond , who for twenty-five years had been the greatest man in the north of England and one of the most constant witnesses of English royal charters : a central character , therefore , in the government of England , but a potential menace in the semi-conquered North .
30 Perhaps the most important and far-reaching change in nursing in the past ten years has been the wholesale move away from the subservient , passive role of the nurse who was accountable to doctors for any treatments she undertook , and to nursing supervisors for standards of personal conduct and discipline .
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