Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] and [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And his own man in the Washington Field Office , the CI-3 team , and putting in the longest hours and never a word of complaint , and that had won him the job in the Attaché 's office in Rome .
2 It is proposed to extend the car parking facilities with improved amenities and probably a café replacing the old caravan snack bar .
3 The start of a New Year is a time for looking back on the past 12 months and also a time when self-styled pundits such as myself are unwisely tempted to look into their crystal balls and come up with the predictions that by the end of the year they may well regret
4 Cos they did n't thunk too much beyond rumbles and scavvying and the scarring ceremonies and maybe a squirm together when they got high .
5 Successful conservation may well imply a cutback in commercial crops and therefore a reduction in foreign exchange on which the state elite depends for its imported luxuries , foreign travel and education .
6 The estate agent suggested an asking price and took some measurements and then a photograph , standing on the edge of the lawn that had become a meadow , where Rufus had stood and taken photographs a year before .
7 The changing patterns of incidence of gastric carcinoma may , in part , be related to changes in smoking habits and perhaps a change in incidence of H pylori infection .
8 In 1963 there had been 10.5 million vehicles , so what was involved was a doubling within 10 years and nearly a trebling within 20 years .
9 As well as finding coins you 'll come across poison apples , extra weapons and even a thing that turns the screen upside down !
10 He sits across the table from Mrs Thatcher and her team , which can be a mixture of people from the Downing Street Private Office , the Policy Unit and the Cabinet Office , with one or two personal advisers and sometimes a Treasury minister .
11 The business in the example , it should be pointed out , is likely to be a retailer as there is no manufacturing capacity in the fixed assets and thus an opportunity is provided for the teacher to explore with the students the expected differences in the structure of assets and liabilities between different industries .
12 virtually all the early canals and probably a majority of the later ones , were overwhelmingly local in both promotion and finance …
13 There were whoops and cheers , mock kissing attempts , challenges to put names on the masked faces and then a song .
14 There is increasing use of the mother tongue or local ‘ language of the market place ’ , as a medium of instruction , particularly in lower classes and consequently a movement , albeit slow and tentative , towards the development of a body of expertise in curriculum development and materials production in the mother tongue .
15 Rock is n't the art form of the chattering classes and only a minority of its practitioners have any expertise in elucidating a rigorous conceptual rationale for their work .
16 Contact is then set up between these groups and eventually a member of the computer department , called , usually , a systems analyst , will be assigned to assess the feasibility of such a system , and a communication or dialogue is begun between the systems analyst and members of the user department .
17 near the church , the mere , a large expanse of water fed by natural springs and formerly a mill pond , is a picturesque area attracting many birds to overwinter , whilst in summer whole families are to be seen feeding the ducks .
18 I managed to secure all three volumes and also a copy of the Miracles of our Lord , and learnt much about prayer , and trust in God .
19 Increasingly the free standing sixth form has found difficulty in responding adequately to these changes and consequently a variety of alternative forms of provision has been developed .
20 A broad constitutional framework is created , with a limited number of mandatory requirements , some optional features and then a range of matters on which the framework operates unless the related contract specifically provides otherwise .
21 Hopeful youngsters clashed with old timers playing out their last few seasons in the reserve leagues , which were as competitive as the first-team games and often a lot tougher .
22 A delicious meal — pasta ( layers of lasagna ) with broccoli and cheese sauce to start , roast meat , salad , then fantastic local neapolitan sausages and then a gateau thing ( on which I ‘ passed ’ ) and fruit and cheese ( on which I also ‘ passed ’ ) .
23 He and Chuck vied to identify the exotic birds they saw : ibis , kingfishers , herons , white pheasants and once a peacock darted frantically across their path .
24 Through the half-open door , into the dry , shrivelling heat of the great , evil-smelling room , there appeared branchlike shapes and then a fall of blood-stained , leaflike hair .
25 In any garden one has to think of the practical as well as the more decorative elements and so a shed and compost area were included .
26 There are difficulties assessing the child between the age of 2 and 4 years and so a range of different tests is used in an attempt to tap a wide range of the child 's skills and maintain the child 's interest and motivation to co-operate .
27 More significantly for the model of an overdeveloped post-colonial state , the development of capitalism in India meant the increasing subjection of the state apparatuses to emerging capitalist classes and therefore a decline in the state 's relative autonomy viz-à-viz indigenous and metropolitan classes .
28 Oh we used to work er f er six days a week , er all day Saturdays erm eight to eight and er eight till eight at n at er eight till seven at night or er or eight till eight at erm most shifts was early , they used to have a a an hour er an hour break of a dinner time er sometimes they only used to have half an hour at night because , I mean well once you 've got er y y you was there , once you get you shift done it was no good sitting there doing for an hour and er it , it varies on what production what was wanted and how far advanced you was or how far behind you was , you know , but er the average hours was as I say was ten hours a shift that was working shift , you worked ten hours and then a break in between , ten minutes , half an hour
29 The yew contains a mixture of poisonous compounds and only a chemist can extract anything good from it so people should n't eat or drink anything connected with the Yew tree .
30 ‘ Well , in that case , ’ he replied , ‘ I shall certainly need some more piccolos and probably a couple of flutes ! ’
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