Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 believe that Labour policies would make the economic position dramatically worse .
2 3.11 The Licenced Products shall carry the full Converted Text of the Work , or sub-sets of the full Converted Text of the Work subject to approvals under clause 3.12.1 below .
3 No attempt at a comprehensive review of the rules is made ( for that solicitors will use the current edition of The Law Society 's Guide to Professional Conduct ) ; rather , those provisions which touch on matters affecting firms , either directly or through the consequence of their being liable for the acts of their individual partners , are considered .
4 The three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit found the law " clearly unconstitutional " under the terms of the Supreme Court 's June 29 decision , although the judgment did little to clarify the outstanding question of how lower courts would interpret the Supreme Court 's ruling on " undue burden " .
5 It is there that Mr Kohl 's fine political antennae could get the worse of him .
6 His rejection of the view that non-Jewish believers should keep the Mosaic law implied a break between church and synagogue ; his theology had vast social consequences .
7 As a contrast to their own dismal fortunes , Labour supporters may note the remarkable record of the Labour Party in Australia .
8 As a consequence , ‘ Get Your Goat ’ 's maze-like melodies will charm the tenacious and already convicted , but disconcert the bulk of pop-orientated mortals .
9 The demands of party competition mean that alternative political leaderships will sustain the popular belief that full leadership control is feasible , even while impugning the current incumbents ' realization of this potential .
10 Professional installers may use the same materials , or perhaps special machinery to blow a blanket of loose mineral wool or fire-proofed cellulose fibre into the loft .
11 After initially welcoming this movement , Plekhanov , Lenin and other ‘ orthodox ’ Social Democrats became afraid that concentration on immediate economic goals might lead the emergent labour movement to become preoccupied with merely economic rather than political goals .
12 The UN Secretary-General 's special representative , Bernt Bernander , said in Baghdad on May 23 that UN armed guards would patrol the southern region in a " reassurance role " .
13 All political parties would have the same legal standing .
14 But this is still a rare instance , Likewise , at the in-service level , very few authorities can match the well-conceived programme of courses for teachers produced over a number of years by Geoffrey Hodson and Maureen Price of I.L.E.A. But until we can sort out our muddled thinking that surrounds the subject , there is a danger that the next ‘ official ’ report will not fare any better .
15 Readers of Rupert Murdoch 's papers in different continents might read the same syndicated articles .
16 The van Gogh and Walter-Guillaume suits , started last September and December respectively , could take three to four years and the Walters ' lawyers fear French authorities could divert the former case to an administrative Tribunal which could take a further three to four years to judge it .
17 The 40 devices were said to be krytrons — high-speed electronic switches used to detonate the conventional explosive charges in a nuclear warhead .
18 There was a general recognition that different cities could tackle the competing needs of cars and public transport in a variety of different ways .
19 Internal social considerations can govern the converse shift , from prose to verse .
20 In a national newspaper with a wide circulation , the inference was that some readers would know the special facts which identified him .
21 Self-conscious stylists will hate the Literary Critic .
22 Inevitably therefore , commercial considerations will govern the great bulk of our electronic output .
23 It 's strange that two quite different words can mean the same thing .
24 It 's strange that two quite different words can mean the same thing .
25 It was not only wool that behaved in this manner , some synthetics could do the same thing .
26 This luxuriant multiplicity means , of course , that different parties will explain the same events differently according to their selective , subjective view of the situation .
27 Few animals can survive the sustained attack of this devastating army .
28 In the early days of discovery medieval cartographers used to mark the empty , unexplored spaces on their maps as Where Dragons Be " .
29 The top animals can displace the bottom ones at feeding sites and gain other environmental advantages by virtue of being tougher than their group companions .
30 Some manufacturers may provide the necessary information on their papers and it is always worth asking for it .
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