Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb pp] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The five CODESA working groups met for the first time on Jan. 20 in Johannesburg .
2 The generally optimistic tenor of this debate provides a revealing comparison with those public views examined for the earlier period .
3 Phase ( III ) will be a series of interviews to obtain more detailed information on the strategic and tactical considerations involved for the contracting parties .
4 On the night of Wednesday 4 July 1759 Rear-Admiral George [ later Admiral Lord ] Rodney in the 60-gun Achilles , led four 50-gun ships of the line , five frigates and six bomb-ketches , described earlier , into Le Havre and , impudently anchoring in the main channel , began next morning a heavy bombardment of the docks , the warehouses storing timber , the construction yards , and , most important of all , the completed flat-boats intended for the coming invasion .
5 Yeah , I 'm rather concerned that this kind of thing seems to be happening rather a lot , I mean this is so reminiscent of what happened in the , the four maisonette in in Fern Hill where we had empty blocks left for a long time erm becoming a magnet for vandalism and all kinds of everything !
6 Expressing concern about the global economic recession , US and German officials called for a special G-7 summit to break the existing stalemate on GATT talks .
7 Some versions substituted for the front pair a .5 Browning heavy machine gun , and some jeeps had a single Vickers fitted in such a way that the driver could operate it .
8 Leaving its Lyneham home , with British troops bound for the United Nations in Bosnia .
9 The party ran only 148 candidates , of whom 136 were elected , a larger proportion than in recent elections , but far short of the 257 seats required for an overall majority in the 512-member House of Representatives .
10 Not only are different names used for the same thing , different things are known by the same name .
11 The result was the creation of large-scale public bureaucracies designed for the efficient regulation of water use .
12 This new residence , recently named Alexander Court by the former Principal , Sir Kenneth Alexander , is the first of a series of residential developments planned for the eastern end of the campus , beyond Airthrey Castle .
13 Ten British players qualified for the final leg with the top eight seeds — including five British — receiving byes into the second round .
14 So , when the riding party of teenage girls returned for a late lunch , Lucy forced herself to present time with a brightly smiling face .
15 Legislative power is held by a 72-member unicameral National Congress , similarly elected for a four-year term ( with 60 members elected on a provincial basis every two years and 12 members elected for a four-year term on a national basis ) .
16 There are some 30 seminars scheduled for the three days , including Unix communications , TCP/IP administration and the Hungarian experience of implementing client/server architectures .
17 The use of solar collectors which can concentrate solar radiation sufficiently to generate the high temperatures needed for the thermochemical conversion of water is also a long-term possibility .
18 The specially designed plate rack in the scullery can drain the ninety plates of different sizes used for a five-course dinner for eighteen , whilst the slate floor makes for easy cleaning .
19 A few ex-soldiers volunteered for the White Army , an unsuccessful venture designed to strangle the Russian Revolution at birth .
20 Foreign Ministers called for a comprehensive political settlement , and spoke of " the need to create the conditions for an early deployment of UN peacekeeping forces " .
21 Mr Marland says the safe and lucrative deals were creamed off by the syndicates , and the risky ones left for the unsuspecting to pick up .
22 The s the revolution of social services called for a rolling programme and a rolling review and the amendment Mr is utterly meaningless because the matter will be constantly referred back and further considered by social services whatever the amendment says that 's what the original resolution said .
23 However , the problem is not so much the balance , but the varying times taken for the raw materials to complete their respective breakdowns and become available to the plants .
24 An example of a letter to indicative offerors selected for the second phase of the auction is set out in 1102.20 .
25 However , the figures of 2,561 drivers humiliated for a 3.2 per cent return were only the average over the previous three years in Nottingham .
26 If personal relationships counted for a great deal more than structures in such a world , nobility and kinship gave a man claims on royal favour ; and the most influential men — the holders of the key household offices , for instance — were those with special Königsnähe .
27 Under its 1949 Basic Law ( Constitution ) , the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany ) is a " democratic and social federal state " whose organs are ( i ) the Federal Diet ( Bundestag ) , the lower house of parliament , comprising 497 members elected for a four-year term by a mixed system of proportional representation and direct voting , and 22 members elected by the West Berlin House of Representatives ; ( ii ) the Federal Council ( Bundesrat ) , the upper house of parliament , comprising 41 members of the governments of the Republic 's 10 Länder ( states ) and four representatives appointed by the West Berlin Senate ; ( iii ) the Federal President ( Bundespräsident — currently Richard von Weizsäcker ) elected for a five-year term by the Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) comprising the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates nominated by the Länder parliaments ; and ( iv ) the federal government ( Bundesregierung ) consisting of the Federal Chancellor ( Bundeskanzler — currently Helmut Kohl ) elected by the Bundestag on the proposal of the Federal President and his or her ministers .
28 If only Cassan can get him safely through the speed leg , which so often plays a decisive part in the overall result , he looks as though he would relish the bigger obstacles expected for the second and third legs .
29 Because fetal mesenchyme is likely to consist of a heterogeneous mixture of cells , we investigated the mesenchymal components required for the initial stages of thymopoiesis .
30 Are the casts legitimate works of art , or unsanctioned spin-offs made for a quick profit ?
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