Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The last two releases in the Kings Quest series received a fairly mixed reception , and since the heady days when Sierra WERE GRAPHIC ADVENTURES there have been some very strong releases from the likes of Lucasfilms ( Loom , Secret of Monkey Island I and II , Indiana Jones ) , Westwood ( Legend of Kyrandia ) , and even some of the Role Playing Games from Origin ( Ultima VII and Ultima Underworlds ) and Sir Tech ( Crusaders of the Dark Savant ) .
2 And there were strange parallels in the patterns of their childhood .
3 She entered into technical discussions with the shopkeepers in a way totally beyond the capacity of Owen and Mahmoud , explaining that while she normally wore only French perfume , she was considering experimenting with a combination of French and Arab scents : ‘ une vraie Cairéenne , n'est ce pas ? ’
4 There are also conflicting accounts of the terms of the audit .
5 Social Policy 1 evaluates different explanations of the growth of the welfare state and conflicting accounts of the ways in which it functions , and then examines issues and arguments which arise in two areas in which controversy is rife ; namely poverty and disease .
6 Whereas the peasants continued to be edified through oral accounts of the lives of the Saints and of holy pilgrims , and occasionally learnt to read the alphabet through the Psalter , the upper classes had paid lip-service to the state religion whilst immersing themselves in rationalist Western thought .
7 Will the Prime Minister therefore tell us what specific proposals he has made for supporting economic projects in the republics of the former Soviet Union , particularly in the distribution industries , which are obviously of basic importance to economic growth and to the development of markets ?
8 The Dukeries field was ( and still is in many respects ) different from many others on all three of the components of a place , as illustrated not only by Sunley 's arguments ( following Krieger and others ) regarding the different social relations at the workplace , but also Waller 's ( 1983 , p. 235 ) that whereas the Dukeries villages were praised for many of their design aspects , ‘ the social and political institutions of the miners in the new South Yorkshire villages left much to be desired compared with traditional and long-established coalfields ’ .
9 Patriotism and religion combined in what must surely be one of the most emotional reactions of the Greeks to the impact of an alien society .
10 There is a clear excess over expectation of cyanogenic forms in the areas of high and very high mollusc density and of acyanogenic forms in the areas of very low mollusc density .
11 But prevailing attitudes towards the Jews at this time among all but a small proportion of the population , discriminatory though they were in different degrees , did not remotely match the anti-Jewish paranoia of Hitler and the activist Jew-baiting elements within the Nazi Movement .
12 Thousands of residents were warned to stay indoors , and others reported suffering sore throats from the effects of the gas .
13 Anyone who remembers the soggy paper , fuzzy grey photographs and provincial texts of the publications produced by the Eastern bloc museums in the past , will rejoice at this series , with their beautiful colour illustrations of every object , intelligent individual commentaries , full bibliographies , and introductory essays on the histories of the respective institutions .
14 For geographers — who span the conventional ( and now archaic ) dichotomy between the natural and the environmental sciences — all of these aspects need to be woven together to anticipate the likely spatial patterns of the effects of massive change , the redistributions in trade , health and wealth which they will bring about and the ‘ knock on ’ effects these consequences themselves will have on society and the environment .
15 Standing in shallow water amongst the tall reeds on the banks of the river , Mark counted eight herons , all motionless , their necks inclined upwards at precisely the same angle , as if in silent prayer .
16 McDunn stands talking to some heavily brassed uniformed cops on the steps of the front door .
17 One line of evidence is the fact that severe ‘ inner city ’ deprivation is no longer to be found just in older urban areas but also in the outer council-housing estates on the edges of cities which were built to house inner city residents displaced by renewal programmes ( CES Ltd , 1985 ) .
18 In regional courts like the Councils in the North and the Marches of Wales , bishops might be appointed to the presidency and other clerics could sit upon the bench , but the offices of profit went to laymen .
19 Lund is a village of some 120 houses on the Wolds between Beverley and Driffield .
20 His belief in the importance of getting the right products into the hands of older consumers led to the establishment in 1987 of a specialised consumer group known as the ‘ Thousand Elders ’ .
21 Prim suits for the races in sober colours open to reveal linings and blouses in vivid Indian bright silks ; glacial evening gowns in iced blues , apricots and silver epitomise restrained good taste .
22 This followed extensive discussions with the unions over the last three months but was without their agreement .
23 But while they are determined to make hay while the sun shines , farmers are still watching the monetary horizons for the clouds of revaluation and are ready to scamper for figurative shelter if the rains of realignment fall .
24 The machineheads are the new Schaller locking types , finished in polished black chrome , and with large knurled knobs on the backs of the gear casings that make them look very much like Sperzels .
25 The first Yokohama station consisted of two elegant Georgian houses for the offices with a broad entrance canopy and a waiting-room , lit by a fan-shaped window of stained glass , between .
26 Professor Jim Jeffery , for example , who gave evidence for Stop Hinkley Expansion at the Hinkley C Inquiry , had by then spent over eight years in private investigations of the figures on nuclear costs produced by both the industry and government departments .
27 Further , it is assumed that farmers ' output prices are unaffected by changes in fertilizer input prices , which is reasonable given the use of fixed prices for agricultural products under the auspices of the EC 's Common Agricultural Policy .
28 In all first-class cricket , including several fiery outings for the Gentlemen versus the Players , he took 720 wickets at an average of 20.55 each .
29 The only evidence to link size with quality of performance was contained in the subjective opinions of the inspectors for education and child care ( Redcliffe-Maud 1969 , Vol. 111 : Chs 11 and 12 ) .
30 In considering the period overall , it must be concluded that the pervasive professional discourses within the pages of the Review were not those of science but of Parliament and the Law , and even Medicine .
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