Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We 'd have fresh vegetables about twice a week and fresh fruit not very often .
2 The last great campaign to revise social style — the so-called anti-spiritual pollution drive six years ago - petered out after only a few months when even the party leadership acknowledged it had more important things to worry about than enforcing short hair and dreary clothes .
3 Over the past 12 months just about every interview I 've done has included questions about potential problems with the crowd .
4 Thus John V of Portugal ( 1706–50 ) gave public audiences regularly twice a week at which he personally received petitions for the redress of grievances .
5 They do so at their peril , which is the first major tenet of this exciting thriller , which resurrects some favourite old ploys not least the shower curtain , the body in a cupboard , and the inability to escape .
6 I says , no , I says cos my husband gets three days off once a month , I says , and tomorrow Saturday , and Sunday , are the only three days .
7 Is three years too long a time , particularly for males in their 40s ?
8 In these days when practically every news item brings a worry of some sort is n't it nice to go to the theatre listen to music see something visually attractive and not have to think too hard , just to enjoy the thing and come out humming the tune of these songs , get in the isle and enjoy it if there 's room
9 But these days not even a king 's ransom would tempt ‘ Arry to ditch Yorkshire and return to the bright lights of London .
10 Because recentralization of business my be a correct and and fashionable philosophy or perhaps one that is no longer fashionable I do n't know it still needs we believe a global approach a coherent approach to tie these things together so the organization can not only get the benefit of responsiveness and flexibility at a departmental but the leverage to exploit that information on behalf of the organization as a whole .
11 The three colour laser Doppler Anemometer measures in three dimensions how fast a fluid is travelling past a given point .
12 ‘ There have been eagles there since the far-off days when only the sound of the sea and the call of the curlew broke the peace , before men walked the earth .
13 Okay er It 's it 's selling an idea erm without any visual aids so obviously the voice is gon na be the most important part of it .
14 These have much smaller corallites usually only a millimetre or two across , and the septa typical of rugose corals are absent or inconspicuous .
15 It has reached that level in half a century , for 50 years ago today the experiment was begun which led to the first recorded observation of this polymer .
16 Be truthful Maggie — is 29 years too wide a gap to bridge ?
17 Both men completed their 2,500 metres in under an hour .
18 These attacks included sexually assaulting an elderly woman during a burglary ; heterosexual rape ; rape of women when their husbands , brothers or boyfriends were watching ; homosexual rape ( for which he got five times as long a prison sentence as for heterosexual rape ) ; as well as burglary .
19 That sort of application has n't yet reached the small shops where really the proprietor of the shop himself is only too well aware of when the baked beans is running out .
20 Use it twice a week for 60 days then once a week to get nails into peak condition .
21 And you might be buying a sandwich , something like that so realistically should be able to come out presuming twenty parcels in about an hour then get about five pounds .
22 Similar species occur in North and South America , and related genera almost worldwide The specimen has a diameter of 3 cm .
23 Washing tip : clean jeans only once a year — without soap
24 Mr Lawson 's speech to a City banquet at the Mansion House next week is seen as one occasion on which new policies -possibly even a step towards full EMS membership — could be outlined .
25 The law recognizes , through various defence doctrines and through the instruction to prosecutorial authorities to refrain from prosecution in certain cases where formally a person is guilty , that disobedience to law is sometimes justified .
26 Peter nodded , and the memories came , unbidden and unwanted : the Field of Mars , the arena and the Dacian swamps where once an army had drowned .
27 Yes , so it 's , you know , it 's like two mailshots up once a quarter or whatever , minutes , and I 'm paying for a lunch .
28 Two years ago tomorrow a family of four died when a driver fell asleep on the A420 and collided with them .
29 We 've had at least two sackfuls in under a week , and we 've done follow-ups on the strength of a lot less than that . ’
30 you see I 've got two subsids now literally the transfer
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