Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv] [art] [noun sg] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Go further up and you reach ultrasonic frequencies where the noise can be heard by dogs and not humans .
2 The anecdotal evidence is that parties often want informal , non-legalistic meetings where the expert can hear what the parties ' non-legal representatives have to say , without any lawyers being present .
3 This aspect is something that has increased in importance with the rise of inflation because there are very few cases where the deceased would not have been earning more by the date of trial than he was earning at the date of his death .
4 talking about electro magnetic waves how the Russian could , try and to use electro magnet magnetic waves to make a
5 There had been a light snowfall the previous night but it looked as if someone else had been here , visited the witch then gone back to the line of trees , covering their tracks by using a switch of old branches so no imprint could be seen .
6 Luckily , 21-year-old Emma , was well enough to make the trip to St. Bart 's on Monday morning by train , said Lyn , — but a few months ago the situation would have been completely different .
7 Usage of the library was boosted this year by promoting its services at conferences and local centre meetings and by showing foreign visitors how the library could help them .
8 In th i in the old days when a firm would come along and pack everything , then they said that , and that was quite true , that they would pack everything and then they would be responsible if damage was done .
9 Just the way you once wished it could when you were regretting the good old days when a man could keep his unsuitable mistress hidden away , knowing she 'd be there waiting upon his pleasure , whenever he felt the urge and could spare the time to see her .
10 A few days later the dealer would ring and persuade his client to invest in another stock , on the grounds that for making money a portfolio of several shares was needed .
11 Furthermore , there is a wide band of acid secretory rates where an individual may or may not bear an ulcer .
12 We had taken 120 carp and 2 cats so the trip could hardly be deemed a ’ cat-astrophe ’ ( sorry but I could n't resist it ) when suddenly one of Rick 's rods was away .
13 There would be a few instances where a client may come back a year later and say erm , or not nearly six months later , that thing I told you was not in fact now going to be on .
14 7.5 shows how the intensity should vary with frequency for gamma rays given off by primordial black holes , if there were on average 300 per cubic light-year .
15 If you can occupy a unit of Elf archers for a few turns then the exchange can sometimes be worth it .
16 As well as setting up the scheme , the council will be made to fill in quarterly returns so the government can monitor changes in numbers .
17 If the interpretation of the point is not given to the ordinary courts then the error will not be an error of law at all ; the criterion laid down by the tribunal will be the accepted standard .
18 The term was for 26 years paying a one-twelfth to the Lord , save for the first six months when no claim would be made .
19 ‘ They have built little boxes for many years , but some volume builders use outside architects so the finger must be pointed at architects as well , ’ he said .
20 If governments had not run such deficits then the slump would have been far deeper , since the deficits worked partially to offset the collapse in demand which resulted from the big increase in OPEC savings and fall in investment .
21 Pragmatics should be much concerned precisely with such mechanisms whereby a speaker can mean more than , or something quite different from , what he actually says , by inventively exploiting communicative conventions .
22 The notice of appeal sets out seven separate grounds why the appeal should be allowed and ten more why a new trial should be granted , the latter being split up into over forty sub-grounds .
23 Cicely Hamilton commented in the course of a debate with G. K. Chesterton at Queen 's Hall in 1919 : ‘ Do you suppose that forty or fifty years ago a woman would have dared to stand up on a platform and say , without the slightest shame , that she was over thirty and unmarried ?
24 The scope of this section is wide , since there are three reasons why a person may be dealing otherwise than as a consumer : first , because he is a businessman ( see s 12(1) ( a ) ) ; second , because the other party is not a businessman ( see s 12(1) ( b ) ) ; and third , because the goods are not of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption ( see s 12(1) ( c ) ) .
25 For these reasons alone the issue must be dealt with from the outset with as much information as is possible .
26 They had graceful , slender bodies , tapering into root-like shapes where a Human would have ankles and feet .
27 If a hierarchical structure is imposed on these relationships then the approach can be constructed to give the same type of interrelationships normally found in an engineering bill of materials .
28 Secondly , although the doctrine of frustration applies to agreements for lease , it would be only in quite exceptional circumstances where an agreement would be set aside on the grounds of frustration and it is suggested that the parties should provide in the agreement for either party to rescind the agreement in the event of substantial damage to the premises or the site prior to completion .
29 An offer is a reverse takeover for these purposes where the offeror might as a result need to increase the existing voting equity share capital by more than 100 per cent .
30 Still , if there were villages in Ireland these days where a man might be in danger of meeting the same ill-fortune face to face , Owen feared he was getting near them .
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