Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [pron] [vb -s] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At the moment you can have a prominent player being fouled repeatedly by three different opponents which defeats the whole purpose of personal fouling . ’
2 After all , the postclassical position recognises that variability in human criminal motivations plays a part in accounting for the prevalence of crimes : it would not be too damaging to the overall position to allow that in some cases it plays the major part ( provided that the exceptions only constitute a tiny proportion of total crime — which would certainly be the case with sexual abuse of children ) .
3 Wife Sandra adds : ‘ He 's a man of few words who hates the slightest bit of noise .
4 Over the next 12 months he expects the three to sell at least 10 systems solutions n the UK .
5 The team of people from different countries which produces the New Internationalist meets each October to plan the next year 's magazines .
6 Emergency admissions develop a momentum of their own , not least because in some areas it seems the only way to get a place in a local authority residential home ( Sinclair , 1988b ) .
7 At the age of 39 and 105 days he becomes the ninth oldest player in history to make his Test debut in Friday 's historic encounter between South Africa and India in Durban .
8 In some ways it serves the same purpose as having a service to recognize the end of mourning .
9 The eastern end of Norwich Cathedral ( 298 and 299 ) is one of the few English examples which retains the apsidal termination — in this case , tri-apsidal .
10 Internally , it was a different matter where ultra-nationalist rivals and critics of even temporary accommodation with the French , as well as those who were suspected of favouring them , were being liquidated in purges which were probably as bloody as most in Eastern Europe and on some occasions it seems the former were killed as a result of Franco-Vietminh collaboration .
11 This is a development of flash cards which works the visual memory even harder , because the pupil has to carry an image of strings of words .
12 It is the threat to these values which brings the real , deep , and sometimes long-lasting effects of sexual assault .
13 This paper includes a derivation of the field equations in the form given in Chapter 6 , a general class of exact solutions which includes the two mentioned above as special cases , and a discussion of the singularities that arise .
14 In these circumstances one makes the best of limited information .
15 In furtherance of these aims he represents the Modular Course on the Academic Board and its subcommittees .
16 All of this can come as no surprise , since one of the greatest difficulties which confronts the medical legal commentator in dealing with the treatment of the terminally ill is that techniques and technology have developed and changed with such rapidity in the past decade or so that it is only vaguely that the problems are perceived , let alone responded to by developing a general consensus in the form of law .
17 In denying that bilinguals are special in this respect , I am arguing for an approach to the study of linguistic interactions which bridges the old barrier between " variationist " studies , which deal with social and stylistic variation in " monolingual " , socially stratified speech communities , and " ethnographic " studies of code switching and related phenomena which are normally confined to bilingual or diglossic bidialectal communities .
18 For ten hours he watches the lovely squirrel lips , the high , paysanne cheekbones , the smoky eyes , the darkly glowing hair , the nervously crossed legs , the langoustine fingers , the half-risen , brioche breasts .
19 But the basic essence of the strategy focuses on the small firms which underpins the local economy .
20 This is shown , for example , by the following resolution passed at a special general meeting in 1896 : That recognizing as we do the natural aptitude for teaching deaf children which characterizes the well educated deaf we urge , in the name of justice or fair play , that every facility should be provided for their employment as teachers in our deaf and dumb institutions and day schools , more especially in those in which the combined system is being followed .
21 Distillation is thus achieved at much lower temperatures which preserves the delicate flower fragrances more successfully .
22 This is only one of several tactics which has the incidental effect of squeezing the ‘ Mum and Dad ’ agencies .
23 In Lucy 's ultimate rejection of Cecil and realisation of her own feelings she rejects the conventional life society offers her , to live a life of authenticity with George Emerson .
24 Its real speed changes during the journey sometimes it is more than fifty miles per hour , sometimes less but in two hours it goes the same distance as it would if its speed was fifty miles per hour all the time .
25 In other words it represents the square root of 2 — the problem that so worried the Greeks because its answer was an irrational number !
26 In other words it handles the conceptual processes .
27 well after two weeks it becomes the statutory sick pay er then becomes the State invalid the State invalidity benefit .
28 It makes sense to retain Lineker , for though his rate of scoring may have dropped considerably over the past two years he remains the only England striker of sufficient class to succeed in Italy next summer .
29 Indeed it is that aspect of the new arrangements which distorts the previous use of assessment by teachers , parents and children .
30 Once the Bill is passed by both Houses it receives the Royal Assent .
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