Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The last two releases in the Kings Quest series received a fairly mixed reception , and since the heady days when Sierra WERE GRAPHIC ADVENTURES there have been some very strong releases from the likes of Lucasfilms ( Loom , Secret of Monkey Island I and II , Indiana Jones ) , Westwood ( Legend of Kyrandia ) , and even some of the Role Playing Games from Origin ( Ultima VII and Ultima Underworlds ) and Sir Tech ( Crusaders of the Dark Savant ) .
2 And there were strange parallels in the patterns of their childhood .
3 After going 2–0 up in 32 minutes through a goal by Lesley Hobley and a penalty by Denise Shorney , Hightown reduced the deficit a minute before the interval when Jackie Crook scored from the penalty spot .
4 Specialising in engineering design relating to existing offshore installations , the company 's manpower levels reached over 500 personnel on a number of design projects .
5 Indeed , some of their officials expressed strong opinions on the subject at the time but have since decided to wait and , as one put it , ‘ let the team do the talking on the park in Newry . ’
6 She entered into technical discussions with the shopkeepers in a way totally beyond the capacity of Owen and Mahmoud , explaining that while she normally wore only French perfume , she was considering experimenting with a combination of French and Arab scents : ‘ une vraie Cairéenne , n'est ce pas ? ’
7 The Columnist of the Year award went to former MP Matthew Parris of The Times for his political sketches from the House of Commons and his regular column .
8 In a sense the development of figural work alone suggests strong parallels with the development of the general arrangements of mosaic .
9 There are also conflicting accounts of the terms of the audit .
10 Social Policy 1 evaluates different explanations of the growth of the welfare state and conflicting accounts of the ways in which it functions , and then examines issues and arguments which arise in two areas in which controversy is rife ; namely poverty and disease .
11 The press had advance copies of the speech in which he was to defend Marshall , so that his climb-down was plain for all to see when he failed to deliver it .
12 Whereas the peasants continued to be edified through oral accounts of the lives of the Saints and of holy pilgrims , and occasionally learnt to read the alphabet through the Psalter , the upper classes had paid lip-service to the state religion whilst immersing themselves in rationalist Western thought .
13 The Corporation has exclusive rights to the working of coal , but may issue licences to private operators for the working of coal from small underground mines and from opencast operations .
14 The metabolic products of the activity at the growth cone come back down the axon by retrograde transport and home in on lysosomes in the cell body , or in some cases are processed by proteases in the cytosol .
15 ‘ They are innovative products at the forefront of market trends , not replicas of brand leading lines .
16 Intervention in currency markets by monetary authorities in the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) countries was necessary in late 1989 as the deutschmark gained considerable strength against major currencies with the prospect of German political and monetary unification .
17 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
18 Sometimes the farmer will be almost desperate to be rid of his rabbits since he regards them as a pest which makes undesirable inroads into the profitability of his farm .
19 It is possible to identify five broad groups within the range of small-town plans .
20 Stressing CCETSW 's target annual figure would remain 5,000 students , she said evidence showed that some qualified social workers were losing out to other professional groups in the race for care management posts .
21 Will the Prime Minister therefore tell us what specific proposals he has made for supporting economic projects in the republics of the former Soviet Union , particularly in the distribution industries , which are obviously of basic importance to economic growth and to the development of markets ?
22 This competent body could provide guidance on the preferable format(s) for the presentation of information .
23 But all the low-tech equipment works very well together and even after three solid hours at the wheel on a variety of road conditions which varied from motorway to unclassified minor roads , there were no tell-tale aches or pains .
24 They 've been digging coal in small private mines in the area for centuries
25 Retrospective investigations of the effectiveness of psychiatric help for attempted suicide patients have provided encouraging results , but the drawbacks of retrospective research , including poor matching of comparison groups especially with regard to subtle factors like motivation for treatment , cast doubts on the validity of the findings .
26 This gives some idea of Smith 's precocious accomplishments at the age of 12 .
27 Impact of national and regional policies on the professionalism of teachers
28 The apartments we 've selected , exclusive to Club guests , include the Palmyra , Mega , Yannis and Minos and are all close to each other and just across the road from the beach with fabulous views over the bay of Ipsos .
29 The Dukeries field was ( and still is in many respects ) different from many others on all three of the components of a place , as illustrated not only by Sunley 's arguments ( following Krieger and others ) regarding the different social relations at the workplace , but also Waller 's ( 1983 , p. 235 ) that whereas the Dukeries villages were praised for many of their design aspects , ‘ the social and political institutions of the miners in the new South Yorkshire villages left much to be desired compared with traditional and long-established coalfields ’ .
30 The Prime Minister , John Major , presented on July 22 a 50-page white paper which he called a " Citizen 's Charter " , incorporating some 70 proposals for the improvement of public services .
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